Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Storehouse Principle

Recently I have been struck by the Biblical concept of the Storehouse. In the Old Testament the LORD continually promises to fill our storehouses and barns to overflowing. Proverbs says our barns will be overflowing and our presses with burst forth with new wine. What is the key concept laid out here? Stewardship is required to achieve this promise. It first requires giving to the LORD. I think the Father accepts you to tithe to what is important to you. So it you go to church or give to the poor the LORD still blesses this. This is also a New Testament teaching. The great Apostle taught that if you sow bountifully you would reap bountifully. In studying the concept of the tithe I have learned that both believers and unbelievers teach this as a way to blessing. The second step is building the storehouse or barn. I find that the secular word teaches this concept much better than the church. In George Mason's book, The Richest Man in Babylon the foundation principle taught is that "a part of all you earn is yours to keep". This idea has been borrowed by many within the financial communtiy as the starting point in achieving financial freedom. These two ideas make up the Storehouse Principle. Begin small and watch Father make the blessings grow. If you suffer under the burden of debt might I suggest picking up a book by Dave Ramsey called, Total Money Makeover.

Friday, December 30, 2005

How does Religion defile Christ's Teaching?

A song came to mind today about welcoming the Holy Spirit into our worship service. I thought about how this is a religious song not based on the Bible but man made. The Holy Spirit dwells within each believer so He is always with us. What religion has done to Christianity. I heard that a new mega church was being added every two days, a mega church is defined as having over 2,000 members. 2,000 seems like a small number. I gave up on the church 15 years ago and I have been happy with that decision. No politics. No religious piety. I can be myself. Something I was never able to be when I was a church member. I was raised Baptist and chose the Assemblies of God as my personal torment center. Trying to live the life that was preached was trouble from day one. I lived with a tormented soul trying to be obedient. I never realized that the goal of the Christ Life was was to be loved by the Father. To be brought into the relationship of the Triune God. I have been learning that I have died in Christ thus I am raised in Christ. I want to experience true itimacy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is my heart's desire. Nothing else can satisfy the longing of the soul.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

An Open Letter to Laurence Vance

Mr. Vance In response to your column on Lewrockwell.com about Pat Buchanan I would like to say a few things. First, I have concluded after reading Pat's material for many years that when it comes to war the Vietnam influence is great. He saw what happened to our ally when we refused to honor the obligation we made with South Vietnam. This I believe has influenced Pat's thinking greatly regarding this war.

Second regarding your comments about who continues to support this war. As a Christian I have great dislike for the so called leaders within the Christian circles. I have decided that power is the game here. Mr. Bush did and continues doing a wonderful job deceiving these people, but as the saying goes "you can cheat an honest man". I think the unbiblical teachings of these men and women have caused tremendous damage to the Church.

Third, I have opposed this war from day one. I was called unAmerican because this. What I have discovered is Americans no longer understand the concept of Liberty for which our founding fathers fought to preserve. The Constitution is a document in word only. I doubt if any member of Congress or the Supreme Court has ever read it. I made a pledge to myself that I would return to the writings of these great men and rediscover this concept called Liberty.
Fourth, as for mocking Bush. What else is there to do with a fool who happens to be king. He and his croonies have made a mockery of this nation. Like no other leader in modern times the corruption within this administration far surpasses anything thought of by Johnson or Nixon. The problem today is journalism is dead having been replaced by big media.

Monday, September 26, 2005

have been thinking much about Bible teaching available to the body of Christ. I find there are some excellent Bible teachers but only a few Major Leaguers. I live in Minnesota and there are three levels of baseball played in this state. The first is what I call Miesville baseball. It is made of a part time amateur players who play because they love the game. The second level are those I call minor league. It is made up of the St. Paul Saints. The game is played at Midway Stadium. It is fun to watch but exciting at times but not much substance beyond the present. The third level is the Minnesota Twins. A major league baseball team. Though at times it may seem minor league in the end the team is usually in contention. You can go to the Metrodome and watch the Yankees or Red Sox play.

In the same way there are different levels of Bible teaching. Let me say I have no fault with anyone on any of these levels. The great majority of teachers are like the team in Miesville, fun to watch but amateurish and lack substance. They do it because they want to teach. I am not using as a marker the number of students or were a teacher is teaching. These students teach the denominations teaching. These teachers never move beyond what they started with. I find this the saddest thing of all, getting locked into one subject and spending your days because that is all the teacher knows.

The minor league Bible teachers can be seen on television or listened to on radio. This group is off teaching there own thing without being help accountable by anyone. They too have a message they will continually pound on. Like the amateurs from Miesville growth is very limited. Though you may feel you are growing. You really don't.

The last group are the major league Bible teachers. In baseball teams have scouts to go out and find these players. Like baseball each believer needs to be a scout. These teachers are not easy to find without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. These teachers are the diamond in the ruff. Hold these teachers in high esteem. What do these teachers teach? The Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the Cross of Christ.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Colossians 3:1-4 1 IF THEN you have been raised with Christ, aim at and seek the [rich, eternal treasures] that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
2 And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. 3 For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, Who is our life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.

Paul says in Galatians 2:20a That I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me…

You are dead. You died with Christ on the Cross. Rejoice because you are dead in Christ. Now what, the Christ-life (who is our life). Christ in now your life.

In 2 Timothy the Apostle was writing his goodbye to Timothy he talks about all the churches having forsaken him. What happened? The churches turned their backs on the Christ-life (Christ in you the hope of glory Colossians 1:27) to move into some form of legalism (works religion). The farther the church as moved away from the Grace of Christ Jesus the more legalistic is becomes. Liberal churches have abandoned Christ Jesus altogether thus I no longer consider them Christian thus no longer an aspect of the Church. The Gospel is about a relationship with Father God. It is not about me doing anything but God doing it all. What do I do in this relationship? TRUST!! (A learning process involved here folks)

The United States, as a nation, as it has moved further away from Jesus Christ has moved into greater forms of legalism. Laws controlling every aspect of life has been created to control the masses. This is the essence of the culture war being faught within our borders. Only in Christ is true freedom (liberty) to be found.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

“The conviction of the Holy Spirit always comes packaged in the comfort of God’s love and acceptance, the hope that you can and will change and the power to make it happen.”
Gary Kinnaman
Experiencing the Power of the Cross

I have heard Neal Anderson talk about the walk a believer has with the gentle Jesus. As Joyce Meyer says “I’m not where I need to be, but thank God I’m not where I used to be, I’m ok and I’m on my way.

The Christian walk is a process that begins the day we come to Christ. No one is perfect when he is brought into the Kingdom. The Church makes people attempt perfection so people are not allowed to grow but must put on the “smiling” face whenever he/she is around other believers. I attended an Assembly of God church for several years and the whole time I was under self imposed condemnation because I was not perfect. The process will continue through out the life of the believer never reaching perfection in this life.

Rom 5:10
For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. NKJ

More to come…

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I read that Empires do what empires do. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, bread and circuses, etc. But what do Republics do? What was life like for American's back before the visions of Empire started dancing through Teddy Roosevelt's fat head. I realize the beginning of empire started long before TR but he made it fashionable to attack poor and weak nations. I realize some might say the Spanish-American War was probably the best starting point. I agree. But, Woodrow Wilson made it American foreign policy. Throughout the 20th century America has sent soldiers into poor nations so business would be protected. What has been the result? Empire.

An Empire has a calling. Empires do what empires do. Continual was must be fought. This Empire is different than past because ours is built on debt. Dependence upon the kindness of strangers is no way for a nation to exist. The media plays to game so they continue to get stories to tell from the Empire personnel. All empires die, so this Empire will also go the way of all empires.

Monday, August 08, 2005

In regard to Pat Buchanan’s column “What are the Darwinists afraid of?” I would like to point out a few things. I consider Pat Buchanan one of only a handful of columnists worth reading anymore. I am a believer in Intelligent Design. Looking at the universe God created leaves no doubt in my mind that evolution is a farce created by unbelievers as a way to avoid Final Judgment, if God does not exist then how can a final judgment exist. The debate about origins is the most important debate that exists. For if God does not exist than anything is permissible, holds true. The basic foundation of the culture war rests upon this one subject. If man is created in the image of God than life has meaning thus to destroy life is immoral. But if man is descendant from lower life forms than life has no meaning. Without God than life is existentialist meaninglessness. But if God exists than everyday has meaning. Life has meaning.

The question is "Why in a nation that is supposedly a majority Christian is this debate raging?" What happened to cause the cultural withdrawal of Christians to occur? I believe two things happened to cause this withdrawal. The first was the rise of eschatological defeatism, i.e. premillianialism with the idea of a pre-tribulation rapture. The attitude of defeatism was created. The second was the Scopes Monkey Trial. An external defeat of an internal defeatism.
Legalism, liberalism and religion. I could also toss in penance. All false beliefs created by man to keep men in bondage. Why? In Christ has occurred the divine exchange. Christ took our Sin Nature and gave us His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21). Bondage with the gift we receive from our father Adam. Through the First Adam sin (Sin Nature) entered the world and death through the Sin Nature. Freedom is a gift we received in Christ. Outside of Christ is nothing but bondage though the world may think it's freedom but each one is trapped in sin. Walking dead men or non-life. The Law of Biogenisis states that only life can produce life, thus non-life cannot produce life. In the same way we have The Law of Spiritual Biogenisis. Only Life can produce life. Only Christ who is Eternal Life can produce life. Thus when we died with Christ the life we now have is Christ's life living within. Our non-life has been replaced by Christ's eternal life.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I have been thinking about the 3 Billion New Capitalist that the United States is currently facing. China, India, Thailand, Malaysia, etc. Think about the potential that these people have. Then you have Japan. Basket case Japan, A nation that is so rigid that new ventures are terribly hard to get moving. A rigid self imposed system of mass control. Then you have the United States, an dying Empire growing deeper into debt everyday and is dependent upon the kindness of strangers to allow it to continue. We fight foreign wars created by deceptive means without asking what is our mission, oh wait wasn't it because of WMD's, no wait isn't it to create democracies. Deception has cost the lives of 1,800 soldiers and how many hundreds of billions of dollars. Have you thought about the chief proponents of our foreign wars. Usually people who have never encountered warfare first hand. Easier to send people to die if you yourself is a coward.

Friday, August 05, 2005

I have been thinking what is worth reading. I read several e-letters weekly. I read the Daily Reckoning. It is old fashion in its approach. How do you achieve prosperity? Save don't spend, invest don't speculate, avoid consumer debt, etc. It reminds me of The Richest Man in Babylon approach to finances. Another one I read is Gary North's Reality Check. North has been around many years. I first discovered him through his non-profit Institute of Christian Economics. He was writing a series of commentaries on the Bible from an economic stand point. He was also considered a cofounder of the Christian Reconstructionist movement. I considered myself part of it until I met the offspring it produced. I have never seen such hate filled people within the Church before. No love or mercy toward outsiders. If you disagreed you were a heretic and start the executions asap. I have since turned my back on the movement. I continue to read North's economic writings. Insightful but always leaning toward gloom and doom. Nothing has changed since I first read him 20 years ago. We continues to say the same things. .

An interesting website worth checking out is lewrockwell.com. Lew is a libertarian in the Murray Rothbard strain. In my opinion the best strain of libertarianism. Avoid the nutcase Randians, greedy and hating people. Check out Lew's website to get another perspective on the world. Pat Bucahan, the only remaining Conservative in America, has a website theamericancause.org. His magazine he help found The American Conservative is the only conservative publication worth reading. The Conservative movement lacks intelligence and independence. It has been absord by the GOP. When a movement is represent by windbags like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh a movement is dead.

Monday, August 01, 2005

The debate going on about the Iraq stupidity is a debate that should be fought but what about the larger issue. The tenacles of Empire that U.S. politicans dream about in their sleep. Since the end of WW II the Empire has spent hundreds of billions ot dollars potecting the world from itself. What has been the return on our investment? The death of how many American men and women. A total debt burden of how many trillions of dollars. Debt that will never be repaid. The borrower is servant to the lender. We as a nation have become servants to nations like China and Japan. Government debt does not promoted long term growth within an economy but slows growth as the savings are used to promoted government growth instead of economic growth. Savings is the key to long term growth.

What keeps people from saving? Government taxation and consumerism has destroyed savings in this nation. People are cashing in their 401k's to pay off debt, creating a future crisis when retirement comes along. I have learned many years ago that the best way to save is by taking the money out before I see it. The reason the 401k is such a great idea is because you never see the money. The problem with the 401k is that people are not trained in investing. Everyone is a genius in a bull market. Very few people are genius in flat markets. The problem I have with most investment books is that they are based on the premise that you can get unrealistic returns for long periods of time. Usually when people get unrealistic returns on investments the bubble will usually bursts causing wailing and nashing of teeth.

So what is the long term solution to the Empire's problems. First, bring the troops home. Stop being the protector of the world. The world doesn't want your protection. Begin to dismantle the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about. Second, eliminate the income tax and replace it with sales tax on all finsihed goods. This would encourage savings instead of spending. No nation can maintain and grow an economy based on consumerism. Savings allows a nation to build it's industrial base by investing the money into research and development of new equipment and products for export. Third, begin the dismantling of the welfare state of all kinds. A nation on welfare is a nation enslaved.

Monday, July 25, 2005

I recently read an article about the demise of modern conservatism. It was something I have thought about much lately. Though I consider myself a libertatian more than a conservative I feel much with conservatives like Pat Buchanan. When I look over the landscape of idealess modern conservatism I weep. Today the movement is pro government intrusion into people's lives. It no longer is idea driven but Republican Party driven. Listening to the hot air on cable news channels as "conservative" voices have replaced liberals shows the barrenness of the movement. It is about defending government policies and wars that once would have create debate within but today only contempt for anyone who disagrees. I have been labeled un-American because I opposed the invasion of Iraq. A war based on deception by the ruling junta.

The debate is no longer about Liberty but democracy. Objectivists are driven by greed instead of idealogue and power drives modern conservatives. Idealogue is dead within modern conservativism. The attacked used against liberals also afflicts conservatives. No new ideas. Lord Acton said "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." I disagree with this statement but I do believe that with the exception of God power tends to corrupt and the more power the greater the corruption. The motto of the Republican party is borrow and spend for tomorrow we die. Corruption is breeding corruption within the Republican party and the conservatives are enjoying the ride.

Friday, June 24, 2005

I use the word habitually to define gluttony. Going to a buffet occasionally is not gluttony. Gluttony is when I would go almost every day to a Chinese buffet or buy junk food eating it all in one sitting. Example of my gluttony is I would go to the store. I would buy a Cool Whip container and package of sugar wafers. I would eat until everything was gone. That is gluttony.
Why do I put myself through all this aches and pains from being a 150 lbs overweight? There is some part of me that believes I deserve it. Some part of me actually believes this? Why? I have fought false religious beliefs that I have had for many years. This is a false belief. Founded upon the false religion that man developed to replace god. But Christians teach these things. I learned many years ago that there exists three types of religion; escapist, power and Biblical. Legalism is a product of the Power Religion. This is best represented by the Pharisees. What I have suffered with had been Escapist Religion. The false belief that is created when you fall under the control of the Power Religion. Satan uses the Power Religion to control people by false religious beliefs.

The goal should be the Gospel (Biblical Religion). This is based on Jesus Christ and Him crucified. It is based upon what happened on the Cross of Christ. Why St. Paul says we are dead to sin and alive unto God. Romans 5:10 says that through Christ\'s death we are reconcilied to God and we are being saved by the present life of Christ.

The goal should be the Gospel (Biblical Religion). This is based on Jesus Christ and Him crucified. It is based upon what happened on the Cross of Christ. Why St. Paul says we are dead to sin and alive unto God. Romans 5:10 says that through Christ's death we are reconcilied to God and we are being saved by the present life of Christ.

Friday, May 27, 2005


Peter Wade is one of the those Bible teachers that is worth checking out. See what you have been missing. If you don't know who you are in Christ then this is a good place to start.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

With the rise of the genetically altered humans came possibilities beyond what was imagined only a few years ago. Christian leaders foresaw what creating a race of superiors would lead to. But science and politics had controlled the day. After the American-Asian wars of the last 20 years no one wanted more war. The death toll had run into the hundreds of millions as genetically created ethnic diseases became the weapon of choice. The mad men of North Korea created it first to "solve" the South Korean problem. Then the South retaliated and attacked the North. This brought China and Japan into the fray. Thus by treaty the United States was obligated to support South Korea and Japan. Viruses were created so specifically to attack only certain groups of people based on ethnic type within groups of races.

Does this sound plausible? I think it does. When leaders on both sides only concern is the "Will to Power" I think that future war is closer every day. No leader of the "Free" world will move beyond talk and stop what horrible experiments are being done to create the transhuman race. The next step in "evolution" will be created by a species created by God and living under the Sin Nature. When looking at Man you discover two things. The same people are capable of great heights of creativity and love are capable of great depths of depravity and hate.

Liberty before democracy. Life before death. The future belongs to those willing to fight for Liberty, which is a gift of God.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Free Speech was, at one time, a basic right within this once great nation. Freedom of Religion was once a basic right within this present fascist state. Our freedoms have been replaced by the tyranny of good intentions. The battle lines have been drawn between the secular and the Christian elements within this nation.

The attack by left/right junta we have in this once great nation has been against the forces of libertarian thought. Those people within the fringes of the left/right junta control the thought within these groups. Within the left it is controlled by nuts like Michael Moore and the George Soros. The right is controlled by the Social Conservatives like James Dobson and Sean Hannity. (A note to the social cons. Always remember you are chump change for the Republican party. They will use you to win reelection and ignore you the rest of the time.) Those who speak some common sense within either group is ignored, aka Pat Buchanan.

The present battle lines are being drawn within the courts. The courts have been given godlike power and should be abolished. The battles should be within the state legislatures and Congress. The problem is that the politicians have withdrawn from the fight. Power is much more important to politicians.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Meaninglessness (aka vanity)

Think about the cycles of living. The cycle of life is you are born, you live your life, you die and are forgotten. The cycle of living is based on those things we do everyday that on the day we die are meaningless. The only thing that matters on the day you die is whether you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Do I ignore the promises of God concerning this life? No. I believe that God's Word is full of promises He has for each of His children. Pray them and speak them. And watch the blessing overflow in your life. Father is waiting to bless each of His children.

I mean by the meaninglessness of living is that no one is superior within the body of Christ. No person is ranked within God's eyes higher because if you wish to be the highest than you must be servant of all. I don't see many pastors holding to this belief and practicing it. At least ministers are not trained this way. I digress from the main theme of this diatribe, the meaninglessness of living.

In the world people have developed many ways to overcome this vanity; Sports, eating, alcohol, drugs, etc. People will go through great links to avoid thinking about their own mortality. We will develop religions and philosophies that side step the question of Final Judgement by the Creator. We develop things like purgatory and reincarnation to avoid Final Judgement. In the past great men practiced Alchemy, which was man's way of attempting to achieve immortality and avoid Final Judgement.

Why this attempt to avoid Final Judgement? Because to acknowledge Final Judgement would require man to submit to the Creator.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Unites States: Empire or Republic?
Is George W. Bush: sane or insane?

Today’s topic has nothing to do with the above questions. I just thought I would start today’s writing with rhetorical questions. I have recently been hearing about the United States having been a Christian nation at her founding. I think the answer is negative. The Constitution is a secular document. The Founding Fathers were deists who created a nation using the Mason religion guide in forming our nation. I suggest reading Gary North’s book Political Polytheism for a better understanding.

Who are the authors worth reading in today’s knowledge default revolution? I would suggest the following columnists:
Gary North
Lew Rockwell – www.lewrockwell.com
Paul Craig Roberts
Pat Buchanan

Why these men?
The future of the United States is at stake. What this country needs are not a bunch of yes-men to a Republican president but honest men who speak the truth. Truth is not something heard these days. I cringe when I listen to both the Democrats and Republicans who have sold their souls for power. The Republican commentators on TV and radio have sold their soul for power and money. The Conservative movement died in November. The death certificate says complacency – soul sold to powerbrokers.

The saying says you can’t cheat an honest man. Meaning no man is honest. The Conservative movement became willing followers of the powerbrokers. The sign says, “Soul sold for thirty pieces of silver without a fight.”

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

What is the chief goal of unbelieving man? Self-worship.

In the Old Testament the scriptures talk about the heart being wicked and deceitful. How does that translate into modern America? I find this interesting being I lean toward Calvinism. I think the meaning is very clear. Toward God the heart is wicked and deceitful. Unbelieving man hates God and His Son Jesus Christ. Why? The fallen nature of man directs him toward worshipping himself instead of the Creator. Mankind develops religion and philosophies that make man the center of his universe. Even the religion of evolution makes man the center because man becomes the developer of the next step of evolution.

If the human heart is wicked how does it play out toward others? Man will always place his own interests above another. The examples I like to use are sales people. Talk with any sales person and you will quickly discover that he/she will only talk to you if it is in his own self-interest.

What about children? Or people risking their lives to save stranger and family members. Descartes talked about knowledge being a priori meaning before experience. Man is born with the knowledge of the Creator. This knowledge causes men to develop codes of conduct to govern themselves. This knowledge causes men to develop false religion to better understand the created world. This knowledge causes men to love his friend and neighbor who are in trouble. The knowledge of God is in every man, please search and discover the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Theology the leading cause of Hell for religious people. I have been reading a wonderful little book by Kenneth E. Hagin called “Jesus the Open Door.” In it he talks about the reality of Hell, a hell that has fire and gnashing of teeth for all eternity. I realize religion has created a world were hell no longer exists but it still does. It is a place that I have thought about recently. I have family who don’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior. This concerns me. Catholics believe in a make believe place called Purgatory. This is a religious way of escape for living a life without Jesus. Liberal religious theology just denies everything making the Bible a myth.

Why does religion seek to destroy the teachings of the Bible? Religion seeks to avoid final judgment and an eternity in a lake of fire. As Isaiah 66: 23b-24 says:

“’All mankind will come to bow down before Me,’ says the LORD. ‘Then they will go forth and look on the corpses of the men who have transgressed against Me. For their worm will not die and their fire will not be quenched; and they will be an abhorrence to all mankind.’”

As I look upon (I visualize this seen) and think about this topic I become tearful realizing that life is so short and eternity so long that I want to pray for my love ones that Jesus would fill their hearts and souls. I am still trying to overcome the fact of personally witnessing to each one. Why is it so difficult?

As much as I enjoy a walk through the hell of Dante’s Inferno, the reality is that hell is eternal torment not to be joked about.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

The End of Television News

I have concluded after spending a year of watching Fox News as my primary TV news outlet that television news is no longer worth watching. I am not just picking Fox because I also watch CNN and MSNBC. The news has degenerated down to nothing but an opening news piece followed by debate. The debate consists of at least one person who supports a position and another person who opposes. So far so good? NO!!!

As a believer in Jesus Christ why would I subject myself to antichristian bigotry by secularist who, like Ayn Rand, hates Father God. Today there is a war being fought within the borders of the United States. That war is between secularists who hate God and Christians. I believe Christians are beginning to understand this but very slowly. The secularists hatred for Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" is a good example. The reason this movie was so disliked by the secularist is because of their hatred for Father God and anything related to Him. Christians are to confine themselves to their churches and out of the public square.

How does this relate to TV News? Secularism reigns within the confines of CNN and MSNBC. The producers of these TV shows hate Father God. On Fox, because of equal time, we are exposed to those who hate Father God. Why should a believer subject his/her spirit to secularism. I heard Bill Maher hold up secular Europe as the high culture over religion. I laughed when I heard him. Secular Europe is a dying people being replaced by a false religious people of Isalm.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Through the Cross of Christ each believer has been given the victory. Each believer is free in Christ. Grace rules our lives not Law. Because of Christ’s victory we have victory in life. We need to understand that our old man (sin nature) was crucified with Christ. We were crucified with Christ and died on the Cross. Knowing this that our old man was crucified with Christ that this body of sin might be done away with. Therefore consider yourself dead to sin but alive to God. You have died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. All believers are seated in Christ at the right hand of God the Father.

The Christian life is one of growth. It is a process. As Joyce Meyer says “I’m not were I need to be but thank God I’m not were I used to be. I’m OK and I’m on my way”. Life is a process. In Christ the need for growth is satisfied. The problem that I faced was that I looked at my life and saw imperfection thus I condemned myself. Over the last few years I have come to understand that Father knew what He was getting when He brought me into His kingdom. Life is a process that continues until you die. You will not reach the finish line until you die. The Christian life is a race that was won on the Cross. This race will continue to the end.

Learn who you are in Christ. You are righteous in Christ. You are a new creature in Christ. You have been adopted by Father God. Learn about the Power of God in the Cross of Christ.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Social Security Privatization Plan

With all the talk about Social Security reform I would like to add my thoughts about it. I think W. should approach this differently. W’s plan calls for taking the money and investing in the stock market. I think this is the weakness of the plan. Stocks are not good places to invest long-term. I would take the money, creating individual accounts, pool it into several large funds. Private investment groups would manage each fund. The money would be used to loan money to mid size profitable companies for capital improvement and building new factories thus creating new jobs. Some money could be used to allow foreign companies to build factories in the USA. Market rate interest would be charged these companies. No money would be used to build anything overseas. This would create a fund of American dollars being used to help build America into the future.

There are two issues that would need to be resolved. First, guidelines must be established about who can receive this money to avoid cheating. Second, guidelines need to be established to insure the funds don’t become another Teamster pension fund debacle. With the new style accounting techniques used by many American firms this would require much oversight. With this amount of money involved the fallen nature of man can easily take over.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

I would like to add my two cents concerning the NHL lockout. What does it boil down too? The owners must put limits upon themselves in order to control their stupidity. If you look at those sports that have salary caps all benefit. The players make good incomes, the fans enjoy the sport and owners make money. I believe that hockey is in serious trouble. In Minnesota the fans have come out in force to support the Wild and then this happens. If next season occurs I think boycott one game would be perfect payback. All the fans should choose one game and boycott it. Show the players and owners that fans matter most, not their egos.

I have been catching Jimmy Swaggart on TV lately. Years ago when he was on I could not stand watching him, very judgmental and condemning. These days he is teaching about the Cross of Jesus Christ. I suggest you ignore his ramblings about the end times, which I believe is designed for fund raising.

The Cross of Jesus Christ is “foolishness to those who are perishing but to those who are being saved it is the power of God”. (1 Cor. 1:18) “I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives within me and the life I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who loves and gave Himself for me”. (Galatians 2:20)

Monday, February 14, 2005

To watch a loved one begin the decline toward death is a horrible thing. I understand that because of his relationship with Jesus my Dad will spend eternity with the Father. It doesn’t make the pain watching him go through the process any easier. To look at a man who was independent and could handle any problem now having trouble walking and thinking correctly is painful. Years ago I remember hearing the song My Generation by The Who “I hope I die before I get old.”

Recently Father taught me a new revelation based upon a book I had read several years ago about Ecclesiastes. It taught the God gives us the ability to enjoy the meaningless of life. Life is cyclical in that each day is similar. A person can choose to go through life in one of two ways. The first is the Earl Nightingale way. Achieving goals and making each day count for something. Building a name for yourself so you will be remembered after you die. The other is working each day throughout your life learning to enjoy each day by understanding that Father gives you the ability to enjoy the meaninglessness of life. Always remember the moment you die those meaningless things, i.e. career, financial success, vacations, etc truly have no meaning.

Which of these is better? Neither. The day you die neither will mean anything with Father. The only thing that matters is our relationship with Jesus. What should a believer’s goal be? Understand the Cross – the Body and Blood. The Apostle Paul says that he preached Christ and Him crucified. When a teacher begins to move away from the Cross-then the people fall into sins and struggle. Why? The answer lies in the Cross. When the church moves away from the Cross it will always become works oriented.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

I would like to talk about our Belief Systems. Each person has a set of beliefs about which they perceive our world. Some call this our worldview. These beliefs are used to filter all new information coming into our minds. Using this filter we either accept or reject this new information. Information that matches our specific beliefs is allowed in without filtering. These worldviews are created for a person’s survival within the present world system.

When a new idea is presented to a person he/she has a choice to make, either accept that idea or reject. How should believers look at new ideas that are presented to them? Be using the Word of God to verify this new idea or information. To outright reject something is unbiblical. Discernment comes through study and asking Father for the wisdom to verify.

Now what happens when this new idea is truth but the belief system says too reject it? If a person rejects a new idea due to being unteachable then that person misses out on some blessing Father has for him/her. For many years I held to a false belief called Theonomy. Theonomy simply means God’s Law. In simple terms Theonomy is a fancy name for legalism – trying to achieve right standing with Father God by obeying Old Testament Law. For years I would read the Theonomy proponents books, feeding my mind.

One day I joined a Theonomy listserv and discovered the offspring of these teachers I had been reading. These people were full of hate and were incapable of showing mercy for anyone who disagreed with them. The smallest disagreement was heresy. I realized that the goal of our instruction is LOVE!

Always be on guard for falsehood in what any form it may come in. But do not abandon the teaching of the Bible while protecting yourself. Test the spirits using the Word of God.
Gary North Reality Check Issue 420 asked a simple question “Do You Sincerely Want to be Rich?” People read books like Think and Grow Rich, Million Dollar Habits, Master Key to Riches or Rich Dad Poor Dad etc and etc. You hear about goals, positive thinking, possibility thinking, PMA, NLP, sports psychology ad nauseam. The question that should be asked first is, “Who am I in Christ Jesus?” This is the starting place. The next question should be “How does Father describe success?

Am I saying don’t read these type of books? I would recommend that people would take the time and read at least one of these books every year. The knowledge contained within these books is enormous. But the question that North asks is really this, “What am I willing to sacrifice to become rich?” Jesus talks about counting the costs. This is what each person must do before moving. Realizing that nothing happens until something moves. Action brings an equal an opposite reaction, i.e. action produces results.

I have concluded that the beginning of success is based on habits. Each day the habits we have developed will determine the amount of future success we achieve. I am today were I am because of the habits I have used over the last 20 years. The habits I continue to develop today will help determine my success for the next 20 years. The type of books a person reads is a habit. The friends you frequent is a habit. How you start your day is a habit. Choose positive and choose a successful future.

Each person should sit down and define success. I have defined it as such, “Learning to allow Jesus Christ to live his life through me so that I can enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next”. For many years I have tried to find a career were I could be creative and enjoy that creativity. What I have discovered is that my creativity will shine outside of work as I begin enjoying the life Father God has given me.

Live until you die. Each day is a blessing from Father, so enjoy each day.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Shad Helmstetter in his book “What to Say When You Talk to Yourself” has some interesting things to say about how success or failure is created by our self-talk. He gives a five-step sequence that outlines the process of creating ourselves. It starts with how we program ourselves. What do we feed our minds on a consisted basis? Do we listen to the Apostle Paul and think about things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and good repute or do we choose negative things?

The result of feeding our minds creates our belief system. How we perceive the world is based upon our beliefs. As we are introduced with new ideas, i.e. our Right Standing with Father God in Christ, our beliefs will either accept this new information or reject it. Beliefs are developed and can be very hard to change due to the attitude that is developed because of these beliefs.

Attitude is the third step. Our attitude is influenced by our beliefs. If a person’s beliefs are positive that person will tend to be positive. The same holds true for negative. Our attitude about the world in which we live is based upon our beliefs. Our beliefs are formed by what we feed (program) ourselves mentally and spiritually.

The last two steps are feelings and behavior. About feelings I have this to say. A Christian needs to understand that we need to not allow ourselves to be controlled by our feelings. Feelings can be very deceptive. Behavior is our conduct with the outside world. The grace of Father God plays a key role in this area as in all others.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

What are the vanities of life?

I have concluded that life is about enjoying those vanities that so many people hate. For years I thought that success was achieving these mighty goals about wealth. That thinking was from the world system that the Bible condemns.

What is true success? It is learning to allow Jesus to live His life through you so you can enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next. Example would be for a person to learn to swim or read a novel. When that person dies it will have no meaning on his position.

A Believer’s position is secure in Christ. The Divine Exchange has taken place. Our Sin Nature for Christ’s Righteousness. As our sin nature was a result of being born in Adam so Christ’s Righteousness is our result of being adopted by the Father. Believer’s died on the Cross-with Jesus. I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me. If righteousness could be gained through the Law then Christ died needlessly.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Vanity, Vanity all is Vanity says Solomon. The older I have gotten I have discovered that the words of Solomon ring true. Everyday is the same thing. Life is composed of cycles that keep repeating themselves. This is why addictions are so common in our society. For the first time I have begun to understand Solomon’s words. This cycle of life becomes vanity – meaninglessness without Jesus. This common cycle of birth to death will drive a person insane without Christ. In order to attempt to overcome these cycles mankind develops addictions including legalism – achieving right standing with God through good works.

All Believers have been crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20), we no longer live but Christ lives in us. His life in us gives each believer the ability to enjoy the vanity or cycles of life. With Christ living His life through each believer a person can learn to enjoy the vanities of life. Enjoy your career without making it your life. Enjoy your new hobbies without making it your life.

Enjoy Jesus Christ because He is your life.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

In I originally thought about this blog I wasn’t sure how I would handle this. What would I write about? At first I thought about politics but all roads lead to Acton’s Law “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.” GW only has four more years left on the throne then someone will replace him. Who that will be is anyone’s guess. Right-wingers awoke from their slumber long enough to realize that there is a culture war being fought. I think Mel Gibson’s Passion was the reason for this. It was an open war for the whole world to see. Whether Christians truly understand this conflict is unknown. Looking over the landscape and talking with Christians I think they still don’t get the culture war. Why, because the man on the White Horse (GW) was their only answer.

Our system of government has become corrupt. The Republicans have overtaken the Democrats for corruption. The Republicans refuse to take a stand against the corruption of the Courts. According the Constitution the power lies with the Legislative branch that has control over the Supreme Court and by creation all the Federal Courts. The powers given to the Supreme Court are very limited therefore Congress must do their job.

I am also sick of listening to the talking heads on TV who say that the current deficits don’t matter. Growing debt is never good for anyone or government. Alas the government only reflects the values of the people. If government is corrupt then the people who live within are also corrupt.

Friday, January 28, 2005

In today’s world there exists a multitude of sources of information. The Internet has opened new sources for research and enjoyment. This is true in two areas I would like to discuss, News and Biblical teaching. We are watching a changing of the guards within both the Media and Church. Prior to 1990 there existed an oligarchy within both the media/church. This forced believers into limiting choices. In the Media access to information outside the local newspapers and TV network broadcasts did not exist. In the same way access to good Bible teaching outside the local church was rare. Religious programming on TV and radio was usually limited due to costs and off the wall Bible teaching.

Has this proliferation of information been a blessing or a curse for individuals? Just because we have more choices does not automatically increase the quality of those choices. I look at the media choices that exist and sigh. Most of the New Media is an openly biased media. What have been created within the religious world are greater personality cult followings and so much incorrect teaching that has weakened the church. Just because someone is on television does not make him/her correct.

I do not recommend any television or radio personality. I find that the teaching is superficial. The meat is in books. Start by buying copies of Watchman Nee’s “Sit, Walk, Stand” and “The Normal Christian Life”. Make it a resolution to only the best Christian books and not to waste your life with drivel. Search for books whose pages are wide and deep.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I would like to add a few observations to Clockwise Thinking. As I was thinking about this concept the whole idea of Possibility Thinking came to mind. We consider all options. We think of the possibilities available to us. Dream Big Dreams. We look at the outcomes and work backwards. We analyze the process (experimentation) to verify if we are going in the correct direction or if we need to make changes or start over.

We develop our sense of wonder and discovery. We learn curiosity again like children. We dream big dreams. Think Big and Believe Father God has only good of each of us. If any lacks wisdom, let him ask Father God, who gives to all generously (James 1:5). Ask and you shall receive. You do not have because you do not ask (James 4:2).

James talks about bridling your tongue (James 1:26). Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). The Lord gives us two things we are to constantly due, pray and give thanks for each answered prayer. According to John Rice (Prayer: Asking and Receiving) prayer is asking and the answer to prayer is receiving.

I wasted many years of my life reading theology. Theology takes the simple teaching of the Bible and perverts it. It creates a false religion where doctrine reigns supreme over life. Jesus says that He came to give us Life, Abundant Life. Religion destroys the souls of men. I abandoned false religion though I find its ugly head returning at times.

My goal is the Grace Life in Jesus. Allowing Him to Live His Life though me.

Monday, January 24, 2005

This past weekend we lost a truly great entertainer, Johnny Carson. He will be missed. In looking over current group I cast my vote for no one. Since Johnny left the air I can count on one hand how many times I have watched late night. He joins the ranks of Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr.

I have been reading Hugh Hewitt’s book “Blog”. I think the subtitle stated its goal well, “Understanding the Information Reformation That’s Changing Your World”. The first half looks at the influence blogs have become while the last half focuses on suggestions. I find his argument interesting. What is the power of weblogs? I think the only power these online sources possess is the power to influence the mainstream media. If Fox, talk radio or big media ignores the story being raised then that story will die. I am not saying that blogs have no power but let us keep it in perspective. The power lies in the ability to influence the old media. I find two web sites exist that I try to read each day.


The future of the new media is still being discovered. In a world that co-exists within an Information Revolution the New Media will play a larger role. The problem is that New is depended upon the Old.

As I promised I would look at political books that are worth reading. I think in today’s climate I would recommend Pat Buchanan’s “A Republic, not an Empire”. How did our Founding Fathers look at world involvement? Did they envision numerous foreign entanglements causing the death of hundreds of thousands of American lives? This is an excellent introduction to what our nations foreign policy should be.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Today I would like to recommend a few great books for the person who wished to grow. These are the books that begin the definition of true success. Worldly success is empty. If you are driven to success each of these books will help you better understand Jesus.

Grace Walk by Steve McVey (www.gracewalk.org)
Grace Rules by Steve McVey

Steve McVey may be the most important living writer in Christendom. If you are Law driven (i.e. Purpose Driven Life) his books will show the true nature of Christ within.

The Rest of the Gospel by Dan Stone

An excellent introduction to the Life we have in Christ.

The goal of a believer should be to grow in your knowledge of Christ. In Christ and Christ in. Spend the time and look up references about who we are in Christ. Ignore the works gospel. Oh, foolish church who has cast a spell upon you. We are to live our daily life the same way we are saved, by Grace through faith. Anything else is anathema to our Creator and Father.

Choose the path of revelation of our Lord Jesus. Each day make it a point to grow in your knowledge of Christ. Quit trying to achieve in your own strength. When I am weak then He is strong. Remember our walk with Jesus is a Grace Walk, a walk with the gentle Jesus; living His life through us.

Next what political books due I recommend? Yes, this site covers a broad range of topics.

Friday, January 21, 2005

As an Introvert I have read and heard all the extrovert ideas on "success." When I think about these ideas so many were designed for the extrovert personality. I have read articles by well meaning people who try to conform everyone into the same personality type. It doesn't work.

Introverts are of different caliber then an extrovert. The overall principles of success are universal but the way these principles have been developed have excluded a large portion of the population. My goal is to think about what success is and write about. Write about the principles that make success possible. My focus will be on the only sure book of success, The Holy Bible. No other book can truly cover true success principles.

The only exception has been the teaching of Jesus and the whole Bible. The principles taught are truly universal. I would like to begin by recording these principles, as I learn them, on this blog.

The universal truth is said by Jesus in John 10:10 “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that you might have life, and have it abundantly.”

The thief consists of the area within our lives, the world system, our flesh and the devil. This is the small voice within your mind that wars against the things of God. St. Paul describes this battle in Romans 7. Why do I do that which I hate and cannot do that which I want to do?

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He is our Life. “Christ in you, the hope of glory” Colossians 1:27 or “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in my” Galatians 2:20.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Today I would like to discuss Clockwise thinking. This type of thinking is Grace based. It focuses on Jesus Christ living his life through a believer. Where as Counterclockwise thinking is Law based. Grace is living free in Christ. Jesus = Mr. Grace. The Father's love for each of His children. As the Word says "Christ in you, the hope of glory."

The process of Clockwise thinking involves Imagination (dreaming about the future and the endless possibilities). Imagination is a gift from Father God. Progress both individually and corporately are gifts from Father God.

After your imagination has been freed from the chains of false religion (Law) the possibilities become endless. When you develop an idea the next process is Action (testing). Action allows a person to test his/her idea.

The third step in this process is Reality. After taking Action upon an idea or model the outcome produces Reality (success or failure or something in between).

The final step is the Knowledge gained from the experience. This knowledge allows a person to determine the next step. Can he/she use it and further develop it or did it fail and back to the drawing board (Imagination).

This process should be continuous. Even the modification process will involve the Imagination follwed by Action producing a new Reality and finally increased Knowledge.

False religion kills. Since the Tower of Babel man has developed false religions to show his hatred for his Creator. These false religions or philosophies do not meet the above testing process.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Today I attended a seminar featuring Dennis Stauffer www.insightfusion.com. His topic was about two types of thinking, Clockwise and Counterclockwise. Today I want to discuss the Counterclockwise thinking. I am adapting his teaching into my own. Everything said here is my responsibility.

Counterclockwise thinking is a process. It is based upon false beliefs or assumptions we possess. I am refering to false religious beliefs many people possess. These false beliefs shape how we view the world around us. All new ideas (worldview) is filter through these false beliefs. The only ideas that are accepted are those that fit within our paradigm. No new knowledge is gained. This view is used to keep ourselves within our comfort zones (worldview).

The types of false religious beliefs that exist are so numerous there is not enough room to cover them all. The clear cut are world religions - Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. Within Christianity are the religious practices that have developed called tradition (i.e. Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant).

In Protestant circles one area is called Legalism, refering to trying to use Law to gain right standing and acceptance with Father God. New ideas are not accepted over tradition, resistant to change (keep thing settled and predictable) and finally, anyone who disagrees is a heretic.

Question: Why did it take the acceptence of gay's within the clergy to move conservatives to leave liberal denominations? Why didn't the acceptance of heretics not drive you out?

Clockwise thinking to follow....
In listening to conservative talk show hosts on Fox and reading the "opinion" of conservative writers I have concluded one thing. The Conservative movement has died. It has been replaced by Personality worship. George Bush has destroyed conservatism. The problem is that like whipped dogs the conservatives sold their souls to the Big Government Republicans, all in the name of War! Ignore the lies of the White House. Only Defend that Republican deciever. Why because he talks about Jesus. Woodrow Wilson was a Christian also and he began the decline into the death of hundreds of thousands of Amercian lives.

1913 was a horrible year for our once great nation. Empires die suddenly but the results may take years to be reveiled. In 1913 three things happend that begin the death of this country. The Federal Reserve was created. This unconstitutional money creator was the reason for the Great Depression and the inflation we have enjoyed this past century.

The second thing was the direct election of U.S. Senators by the people. Prior to 1913 each state's legislators would pick our senate. This enabled States to help control the Federal branch. Since this has been done the Federal government has been out of control.

The final thing that happened in 1913 was the Income Tax amendment. This gave the government power only dreamed of under the pharoah or emperors of times past. The greatest tryanny of ancient times was Egypt pales in comparison of this country today.

What made this all possible was the decline of the Protestant church in this country. More on this later.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

CBS has issued the report about Memogate. Is Dan Rather biased against Republicans? The evidence shows he is. As an experienced journalist he should have know better then accept allegiations against a sitting president. I find this is another example of the collapse of Old Media with the Blog leading the way. Like Armstrong Williams serious error in judgement for accepting money I heard that some bloggers accepted money for Howard Dean's campaign this past election cycle. I think the best blog is pure opinion that states it position openly.

I started reading Hugh Hewitt's new book "Blog" today. Other than his Republican bias he clearly show the influence of blogs. I remain skeptical about how far and powerful the blogs can become. The influence of blogs will be depend on the mainstream media continued use of the blogs for stories. If Fox doesn't pick up these stories than I think blogs will always remain on the outer edges of news informing a few but with no influence. I find that something will usually come along that changes everything. The famous Paradigm shift that Thomas Kuhn so clearly defines.