Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Monday, September 26, 2005

have been thinking much about Bible teaching available to the body of Christ. I find there are some excellent Bible teachers but only a few Major Leaguers. I live in Minnesota and there are three levels of baseball played in this state. The first is what I call Miesville baseball. It is made of a part time amateur players who play because they love the game. The second level are those I call minor league. It is made up of the St. Paul Saints. The game is played at Midway Stadium. It is fun to watch but exciting at times but not much substance beyond the present. The third level is the Minnesota Twins. A major league baseball team. Though at times it may seem minor league in the end the team is usually in contention. You can go to the Metrodome and watch the Yankees or Red Sox play.

In the same way there are different levels of Bible teaching. Let me say I have no fault with anyone on any of these levels. The great majority of teachers are like the team in Miesville, fun to watch but amateurish and lack substance. They do it because they want to teach. I am not using as a marker the number of students or were a teacher is teaching. These students teach the denominations teaching. These teachers never move beyond what they started with. I find this the saddest thing of all, getting locked into one subject and spending your days because that is all the teacher knows.

The minor league Bible teachers can be seen on television or listened to on radio. This group is off teaching there own thing without being help accountable by anyone. They too have a message they will continually pound on. Like the amateurs from Miesville growth is very limited. Though you may feel you are growing. You really don't.

The last group are the major league Bible teachers. In baseball teams have scouts to go out and find these players. Like baseball each believer needs to be a scout. These teachers are not easy to find without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. These teachers are the diamond in the ruff. Hold these teachers in high esteem. What do these teachers teach? The Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the Cross of Christ.

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