Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

An Open Letter to Laurence Vance

Mr. Vance In response to your column on Lewrockwell.com about Pat Buchanan I would like to say a few things. First, I have concluded after reading Pat's material for many years that when it comes to war the Vietnam influence is great. He saw what happened to our ally when we refused to honor the obligation we made with South Vietnam. This I believe has influenced Pat's thinking greatly regarding this war.

Second regarding your comments about who continues to support this war. As a Christian I have great dislike for the so called leaders within the Christian circles. I have decided that power is the game here. Mr. Bush did and continues doing a wonderful job deceiving these people, but as the saying goes "you can cheat an honest man". I think the unbiblical teachings of these men and women have caused tremendous damage to the Church.

Third, I have opposed this war from day one. I was called unAmerican because this. What I have discovered is Americans no longer understand the concept of Liberty for which our founding fathers fought to preserve. The Constitution is a document in word only. I doubt if any member of Congress or the Supreme Court has ever read it. I made a pledge to myself that I would return to the writings of these great men and rediscover this concept called Liberty.
Fourth, as for mocking Bush. What else is there to do with a fool who happens to be king. He and his croonies have made a mockery of this nation. Like no other leader in modern times the corruption within this administration far surpasses anything thought of by Johnson or Nixon. The problem today is journalism is dead having been replaced by big media.

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