Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Friday, December 30, 2005

How does Religion defile Christ's Teaching?

A song came to mind today about welcoming the Holy Spirit into our worship service. I thought about how this is a religious song not based on the Bible but man made. The Holy Spirit dwells within each believer so He is always with us. What religion has done to Christianity. I heard that a new mega church was being added every two days, a mega church is defined as having over 2,000 members. 2,000 seems like a small number. I gave up on the church 15 years ago and I have been happy with that decision. No politics. No religious piety. I can be myself. Something I was never able to be when I was a church member. I was raised Baptist and chose the Assemblies of God as my personal torment center. Trying to live the life that was preached was trouble from day one. I lived with a tormented soul trying to be obedient. I never realized that the goal of the Christ Life was was to be loved by the Father. To be brought into the relationship of the Triune God. I have been learning that I have died in Christ thus I am raised in Christ. I want to experience true itimacy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is my heart's desire. Nothing else can satisfy the longing of the soul.

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