Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

With the rise of the genetically altered humans came possibilities beyond what was imagined only a few years ago. Christian leaders foresaw what creating a race of superiors would lead to. But science and politics had controlled the day. After the American-Asian wars of the last 20 years no one wanted more war. The death toll had run into the hundreds of millions as genetically created ethnic diseases became the weapon of choice. The mad men of North Korea created it first to "solve" the South Korean problem. Then the South retaliated and attacked the North. This brought China and Japan into the fray. Thus by treaty the United States was obligated to support South Korea and Japan. Viruses were created so specifically to attack only certain groups of people based on ethnic type within groups of races.

Does this sound plausible? I think it does. When leaders on both sides only concern is the "Will to Power" I think that future war is closer every day. No leader of the "Free" world will move beyond talk and stop what horrible experiments are being done to create the transhuman race. The next step in "evolution" will be created by a species created by God and living under the Sin Nature. When looking at Man you discover two things. The same people are capable of great heights of creativity and love are capable of great depths of depravity and hate.

Liberty before democracy. Life before death. The future belongs to those willing to fight for Liberty, which is a gift of God.

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