Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

In I originally thought about this blog I wasn’t sure how I would handle this. What would I write about? At first I thought about politics but all roads lead to Acton’s Law “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.” GW only has four more years left on the throne then someone will replace him. Who that will be is anyone’s guess. Right-wingers awoke from their slumber long enough to realize that there is a culture war being fought. I think Mel Gibson’s Passion was the reason for this. It was an open war for the whole world to see. Whether Christians truly understand this conflict is unknown. Looking over the landscape and talking with Christians I think they still don’t get the culture war. Why, because the man on the White Horse (GW) was their only answer.

Our system of government has become corrupt. The Republicans have overtaken the Democrats for corruption. The Republicans refuse to take a stand against the corruption of the Courts. According the Constitution the power lies with the Legislative branch that has control over the Supreme Court and by creation all the Federal Courts. The powers given to the Supreme Court are very limited therefore Congress must do their job.

I am also sick of listening to the talking heads on TV who say that the current deficits don’t matter. Growing debt is never good for anyone or government. Alas the government only reflects the values of the people. If government is corrupt then the people who live within are also corrupt.

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