Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

In listening to conservative talk show hosts on Fox and reading the "opinion" of conservative writers I have concluded one thing. The Conservative movement has died. It has been replaced by Personality worship. George Bush has destroyed conservatism. The problem is that like whipped dogs the conservatives sold their souls to the Big Government Republicans, all in the name of War! Ignore the lies of the White House. Only Defend that Republican deciever. Why because he talks about Jesus. Woodrow Wilson was a Christian also and he began the decline into the death of hundreds of thousands of Amercian lives.

1913 was a horrible year for our once great nation. Empires die suddenly but the results may take years to be reveiled. In 1913 three things happend that begin the death of this country. The Federal Reserve was created. This unconstitutional money creator was the reason for the Great Depression and the inflation we have enjoyed this past century.

The second thing was the direct election of U.S. Senators by the people. Prior to 1913 each state's legislators would pick our senate. This enabled States to help control the Federal branch. Since this has been done the Federal government has been out of control.

The final thing that happened in 1913 was the Income Tax amendment. This gave the government power only dreamed of under the pharoah or emperors of times past. The greatest tryanny of ancient times was Egypt pales in comparison of this country today.

What made this all possible was the decline of the Protestant church in this country. More on this later.

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