Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

CBS has issued the report about Memogate. Is Dan Rather biased against Republicans? The evidence shows he is. As an experienced journalist he should have know better then accept allegiations against a sitting president. I find this is another example of the collapse of Old Media with the Blog leading the way. Like Armstrong Williams serious error in judgement for accepting money I heard that some bloggers accepted money for Howard Dean's campaign this past election cycle. I think the best blog is pure opinion that states it position openly.

I started reading Hugh Hewitt's new book "Blog" today. Other than his Republican bias he clearly show the influence of blogs. I remain skeptical about how far and powerful the blogs can become. The influence of blogs will be depend on the mainstream media continued use of the blogs for stories. If Fox doesn't pick up these stories than I think blogs will always remain on the outer edges of news informing a few but with no influence. I find that something will usually come along that changes everything. The famous Paradigm shift that Thomas Kuhn so clearly defines.

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