Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Today I attended a seminar featuring Dennis Stauffer www.insightfusion.com. His topic was about two types of thinking, Clockwise and Counterclockwise. Today I want to discuss the Counterclockwise thinking. I am adapting his teaching into my own. Everything said here is my responsibility.

Counterclockwise thinking is a process. It is based upon false beliefs or assumptions we possess. I am refering to false religious beliefs many people possess. These false beliefs shape how we view the world around us. All new ideas (worldview) is filter through these false beliefs. The only ideas that are accepted are those that fit within our paradigm. No new knowledge is gained. This view is used to keep ourselves within our comfort zones (worldview).

The types of false religious beliefs that exist are so numerous there is not enough room to cover them all. The clear cut are world religions - Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. Within Christianity are the religious practices that have developed called tradition (i.e. Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant).

In Protestant circles one area is called Legalism, refering to trying to use Law to gain right standing and acceptance with Father God. New ideas are not accepted over tradition, resistant to change (keep thing settled and predictable) and finally, anyone who disagrees is a heretic.

Question: Why did it take the acceptence of gay's within the clergy to move conservatives to leave liberal denominations? Why didn't the acceptance of heretics not drive you out?

Clockwise thinking to follow....

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