Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Unites States: Empire or Republic?
Is George W. Bush: sane or insane?

Today’s topic has nothing to do with the above questions. I just thought I would start today’s writing with rhetorical questions. I have recently been hearing about the United States having been a Christian nation at her founding. I think the answer is negative. The Constitution is a secular document. The Founding Fathers were deists who created a nation using the Mason religion guide in forming our nation. I suggest reading Gary North’s book Political Polytheism for a better understanding.

Who are the authors worth reading in today’s knowledge default revolution? I would suggest the following columnists:
Gary North
Lew Rockwell – www.lewrockwell.com
Paul Craig Roberts
Pat Buchanan

Why these men?
The future of the United States is at stake. What this country needs are not a bunch of yes-men to a Republican president but honest men who speak the truth. Truth is not something heard these days. I cringe when I listen to both the Democrats and Republicans who have sold their souls for power. The Republican commentators on TV and radio have sold their soul for power and money. The Conservative movement died in November. The death certificate says complacency – soul sold to powerbrokers.

The saying says you can’t cheat an honest man. Meaning no man is honest. The Conservative movement became willing followers of the powerbrokers. The sign says, “Soul sold for thirty pieces of silver without a fight.”

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