Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

The End of Television News

I have concluded after spending a year of watching Fox News as my primary TV news outlet that television news is no longer worth watching. I am not just picking Fox because I also watch CNN and MSNBC. The news has degenerated down to nothing but an opening news piece followed by debate. The debate consists of at least one person who supports a position and another person who opposes. So far so good? NO!!!

As a believer in Jesus Christ why would I subject myself to antichristian bigotry by secularist who, like Ayn Rand, hates Father God. Today there is a war being fought within the borders of the United States. That war is between secularists who hate God and Christians. I believe Christians are beginning to understand this but very slowly. The secularists hatred for Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" is a good example. The reason this movie was so disliked by the secularist is because of their hatred for Father God and anything related to Him. Christians are to confine themselves to their churches and out of the public square.

How does this relate to TV News? Secularism reigns within the confines of CNN and MSNBC. The producers of these TV shows hate Father God. On Fox, because of equal time, we are exposed to those who hate Father God. Why should a believer subject his/her spirit to secularism. I heard Bill Maher hold up secular Europe as the high culture over religion. I laughed when I heard him. Secular Europe is a dying people being replaced by a false religious people of Isalm.

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