Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

I would like to talk about our Belief Systems. Each person has a set of beliefs about which they perceive our world. Some call this our worldview. These beliefs are used to filter all new information coming into our minds. Using this filter we either accept or reject this new information. Information that matches our specific beliefs is allowed in without filtering. These worldviews are created for a person’s survival within the present world system.

When a new idea is presented to a person he/she has a choice to make, either accept that idea or reject. How should believers look at new ideas that are presented to them? Be using the Word of God to verify this new idea or information. To outright reject something is unbiblical. Discernment comes through study and asking Father for the wisdom to verify.

Now what happens when this new idea is truth but the belief system says too reject it? If a person rejects a new idea due to being unteachable then that person misses out on some blessing Father has for him/her. For many years I held to a false belief called Theonomy. Theonomy simply means God’s Law. In simple terms Theonomy is a fancy name for legalism – trying to achieve right standing with Father God by obeying Old Testament Law. For years I would read the Theonomy proponents books, feeding my mind.

One day I joined a Theonomy listserv and discovered the offspring of these teachers I had been reading. These people were full of hate and were incapable of showing mercy for anyone who disagreed with them. The smallest disagreement was heresy. I realized that the goal of our instruction is LOVE!

Always be on guard for falsehood in what any form it may come in. But do not abandon the teaching of the Bible while protecting yourself. Test the spirits using the Word of God.

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