Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Friday, August 05, 2005

I have been thinking what is worth reading. I read several e-letters weekly. I read the Daily Reckoning. It is old fashion in its approach. How do you achieve prosperity? Save don't spend, invest don't speculate, avoid consumer debt, etc. It reminds me of The Richest Man in Babylon approach to finances. Another one I read is Gary North's Reality Check. North has been around many years. I first discovered him through his non-profit Institute of Christian Economics. He was writing a series of commentaries on the Bible from an economic stand point. He was also considered a cofounder of the Christian Reconstructionist movement. I considered myself part of it until I met the offspring it produced. I have never seen such hate filled people within the Church before. No love or mercy toward outsiders. If you disagreed you were a heretic and start the executions asap. I have since turned my back on the movement. I continue to read North's economic writings. Insightful but always leaning toward gloom and doom. Nothing has changed since I first read him 20 years ago. We continues to say the same things. .

An interesting website worth checking out is lewrockwell.com. Lew is a libertarian in the Murray Rothbard strain. In my opinion the best strain of libertarianism. Avoid the nutcase Randians, greedy and hating people. Check out Lew's website to get another perspective on the world. Pat Bucahan, the only remaining Conservative in America, has a website theamericancause.org. His magazine he help found The American Conservative is the only conservative publication worth reading. The Conservative movement lacks intelligence and independence. It has been absord by the GOP. When a movement is represent by windbags like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh a movement is dead.

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