Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Monday, July 25, 2005

I recently read an article about the demise of modern conservatism. It was something I have thought about much lately. Though I consider myself a libertatian more than a conservative I feel much with conservatives like Pat Buchanan. When I look over the landscape of idealess modern conservatism I weep. Today the movement is pro government intrusion into people's lives. It no longer is idea driven but Republican Party driven. Listening to the hot air on cable news channels as "conservative" voices have replaced liberals shows the barrenness of the movement. It is about defending government policies and wars that once would have create debate within but today only contempt for anyone who disagrees. I have been labeled un-American because I opposed the invasion of Iraq. A war based on deception by the ruling junta.

The debate is no longer about Liberty but democracy. Objectivists are driven by greed instead of idealogue and power drives modern conservatives. Idealogue is dead within modern conservativism. The attacked used against liberals also afflicts conservatives. No new ideas. Lord Acton said "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." I disagree with this statement but I do believe that with the exception of God power tends to corrupt and the more power the greater the corruption. The motto of the Republican party is borrow and spend for tomorrow we die. Corruption is breeding corruption within the Republican party and the conservatives are enjoying the ride.

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