Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Blessed Mary

And Mary said,

“My soul magnifies the Lord,
47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant.
For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
49 for he who is mighty has done great things for me,
and holy is his name.
50 And his mercy is for those who fear him
from generation to generation.
51 He has shown strength with his arm;
he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts;
52 he has brought down the mighty from their thrones
and exalted those of humble estate;
53 he has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich he has sent away empty.
54 He has helped his servant Israel,
in remembrance of his mercy,
55 as he spoke to our fathers,
to Abraham and to his offspring forever.”

56 And Mary remained with her about three months and returned to her home.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How Americans View the World

Monday, November 16, 2009

America Today

"The American dream needs repair," is forerunner of the genre. In
today's Financial Times, it focuses on the rigidities of the US system.
The time was when a young American could start at the bottom and work
his way up. Luck and pluck was all that it took. But now, according to
scholars at the Brookings Institution, people stay put. If you're born
poor in America you're more likely to stay poor than if you had been
born poor in Britain, Denmark, Sweden or dozens of other countries.

What happened? The authors (Daily Reckoning) do not say. So we will. Success breeds
failure. As a society becomes rich, more and more people find ways to
game the system. The elite get tax credits, tariffs, and protective
regulations. Every layer of bureaucracy makes it harder for new
competitors to get ahead. And every new tax on income makes it harder
for upstarts to join the ranks of the rich. The poor get their
parasitic benefits too. Welfare, unemployment compensation, child tax
credits, medicare, food stamps, social security - all of these programs
give the poor an incentive to stay poor. Bill Bonner

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lord Christopher Monckton

Wednesday, November 04, 2009


What is it with bloggers? What is wrong with America that we give them time? What is wrong with me that I waste my time reading them? I have talked about my journey as a Christian going from one teacher to the next. Learning tidbits from each but never finding the answers I seek. But these days I find myself reading and listening to bloggers. Think about what we are doing. We are spending time with someone who could very easily be leading us astray. But this is 21st century America were we are so immature that we have allowed the teaching of Napoleon Hill to become the Gospel message. So instead of hearing about the Grace or God we hear about the Law, for you see the prosperity gospel is Law. It is based upon if you do this then this will happen. It many ways it sounds like Galatians. The Gospel message that Paul taught was not good enough so we have to add something to it.

And why should anyone read what I write? I think you should just sit down and write a blog yourself. Who cares if anyone reads it just have fun writing it. Vent and enjoy a good nights sleep.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The Room of Good Intentions

For my Christian Walk I have played the game of Just Fine. How are you? I'm fine. I could be depressed but I was never to discuss it with other believers. I was to do my duty and confess the word not be the law but by grace. Grace was power and love, but the love was never really discussed outside of the high realm. We were told that God loves through us but the person saying it was so messed up he was capable of only loving those people who were needed. I spent so many years trying to do the right thing to please God. It never worked. I just grew more disheartened. Until finally one day I called it quits and stopped attending church. I belonged to a charismatic group where one man was important and no one else was close. The group was designed to give a man a pat on the back. It was for stroking his ego.
The funny thing was that as I attempted to follow the teaching this person slowly drove those people away by attacking them from the pulpit. Funny how I still hold a grudge against him at times. Other times I feel so free from his false teaching. I have heard so many false teachers over the years from the charismatic movement that I wonder if I have ever heard the true gospel.
Today I seek out Reformation teachers. Those men who teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This coming Christian year I plan to take the time and follow the Christian year as observed by the Church universal. I am planning on picking up an Ancient Christian Devotional that goes through the Christian year.

Sunday, November 01, 2009


RJ Rushdoony:
The important question to ask is this: What makes a
conspiracy work? Let us suppose that a number of us
conspired together to turn the United States into a
monarchy, and ourselves into its nobility; let us
further suppose that we could command millions from our
own to achieve this goal. Or, let us suppose that, with
equal numbers and money we conspired to enforce Hindu
vegetarianism on the country. In either case, we would
have then, not a conspiracy, but a joke. A successful
conspiracy is one which is so in tune with the faith
and aspirations of its day that it offers to men the
fulfillment of the ideals of the age. It is an illusion
to believe that dangerous or successful conspiracies
represent no more than a small, hidden circle of
diabolical men who are manipulating the world into
ruin. Such groups often exist, but they only exist and
succeed because their plan and hope is closely tied to
the public dream and the faith of the age. If the
threat were only from small circles of hidden men, then
our problem would be easy. Then, as Burton Blumert has
observed, "if we only unmasked the conspiracy, all our
problems would be solved, but if the trouble is in all
of us, then we really are in trouble."
April 2) The Chalcedon Report from 1969

Today I started reading TrueFaced by several authors. I was hit immediately by those Christians who are still searching for the "new" technique. That would be me. All my life I have searched for the one teacher who would have the answers to life. I have learned from many teachers but have never found the "one" teacher. I include in my list the following, I will try to list in order of oldest to youngest.
Hal Lindsey and the late great planet earth B.S.
Christian Reconstructionism
RC Sproul and Reformed Theology
Pentecostalism and Charismatics
Prosperity Gospel
Neil Anderson and Who I am in Christ - I believe this teaching is very Biblical I just never seem to follow through with his material.
Wayne Jacobsen and Anarchistic Christianity
A Loving version of the Reformed Faith - Steve Brown and his book A Scandalous Freedom - A book every believer should read.
Today I an flirting with liturgical Christianity as with Lutheranism or Anglicanism. I would go Orthodox but this praying to Mary stuff freaks me out.

See I have attempted to find answers from many sources. I am beginning to understand that Steven Brown and Neil Anderson are probably closer to the truth than what I have heard over the years. What I want is a relationship with the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and no more B.S. Christianity.
One other interesting blog to read is www.internetmonk.com aka Michael Spencer.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

Faith whereas many have presumption about what God will do for them. We take out installment loans so we can trust God on the installment plan.

Proverbs 10:22
The blessing of the Lord makes rich,
and he adds no sorrow with it.

The riches that comes from God brings no sorrow or trouble with it.

I Timothy 6:9-10, 17
But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.
As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

Genesis 3:19
By the sweat of your face
you shall eat bread,
till you return to the ground,
for out of it you were taken;
for you are dust,
and to dust you shall return.

Work is not a dirty word. We are created to work to our food.
Planning for the future works:

The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance,
but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty. Proverbs 21:5 ESV

Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity,
but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty. (NLT)

Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run;
hurry and scurry puts you further behind. (The Message)

Friday, October 16, 2009


What happens when you finely realize the meaninglessness of life? I wake up in the morning, go to work and come home. I wake up in the morning, go to work and come home. I read a book and then try to read another book. I buy books hoping to find the teacher or the wisdom that will give me answers to my questions. But I just go from one teacher to the next without finding the answer I was looking for. The sun rises and the sun sets, everyday from one generation to the next. It was here before I was born and it will be here when I am gone from this life. Is my life so meaningless or have I been searching in all the wrong places? But I am tired of searching for the answers.
When I was young I though about suicide but never did now that I am older I think about living another thirty years of this meaninglessness and I don't look forward to it. I need meaning in my life, I need a purpose to continue. Is there a reason to continue in this existence? Will money make me happy? It would buy me friends and lovers but not meaning. What will give this life meaning? Should I become a fan of a sports team or start back up in school? I see around me all those things people do to make it through life. Maybe I should try drugs? I've tried the sex thing and it's meaningless. I found no happiness within it. What is my next step in life? I tried the prosperity gospel and found it wanting. I confessed the word and only grew more miserable.
Why does life have to be so empty?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Religious Life Has Changed

ABCnews had an article discussing the financial troubles churches are having. I found this quote quite interesting:
"In 2010, I think we're going to see 10 or 15 percent of congregations saying they're in serious financial trouble," says David Roozen, a lead researcher for the Faith Communities Today multi-faith survey, which measures congregational health annually. "With around 320,000 or 350,000 congregations, that's a hell of a lot of them."

They said because of people relocating to new areas. This has been building over the past decade as more and more people have left the churches in America. Why? I think the main reason people are leaving churches is that there really is no reason to attend. The mainline denominations have moved to the left wing and the evangelical churches are politics and prosperity gospel.
The average minister has become a motivational teacher instead of gospel teacher. I think people have one of two choices: the Anabaptist route and become a law unto themselves or join a confessional church.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Seeking Super Teacher

I've been a Christian since I was about 16 years old. I was raised Baptist, when I was in my twenties I joined the Charismatics which transformed into the Prosperity Gospel. I belonged to one group for about 17 years watching the teacher move into more of a cultic nature. The leader of the group isolated himself from every other Christian ministry. He drove out those people who were a threat to his position, at least in his own mind. But I digress into other things.
I thought today about how over the years I have gone from one teacher to the next or one movement to the next. I moved from being a Baptist into the Charismatic movement, a very shallow movement by the way. From this I moved into the Prosperity Gospel, another very shallow movement. The one question that always ate a my craw was why Christians in America while those in Sudan were being martyred and sold into slavery? During this transition I became involve in the Christian Reconstructionist movement. I enjoyed reading the books of the leader of this movement but then I made the mistake of joining an online discussion group. I have never seen such hate toward people as I saw in those offspring. I abandoned the movement.
I did find one source of encouragement which was Calvinism and some wonderful writers of this system of belief. Back to the Prosperity Gospel, which I like to call the Napoleon Hill Gospel. No offense to Napoleon Hill but what he taught and the Gospel of Jesus Christ are two different things. I like how Steven Brown talks about it... I have decided that I am not going to get any better but I know that God loves me anyway.
I did begin moving into the Anabaptist tradition. Those people who have left organized religion because of how shallow it has become. The funny thing is that many evangelicals have moved into the liturgical traditions of Catholicism or Orthodoxy or Lutheranism/Anglicanism. Those churches that find Christ in the liturgy are those the endure tribulations. What I discovered about the so you don't want to go to church anymore crowd is that all they have done is formed a new religious system that fits themselves.
Today I found my copy of the Westminster Confession of Faith and have decided to begin anew in the great Reformation traditions of old. I don't know where still will lead but I trust Christ. My ramblings have nothing to do with the titles I choose.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Seaborn and Susannah Dudgeon Gravestones:
Don't Talk to the Police

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Peter Hitchens Quote

This was written about England but it applies to the United States as well.

We are a second-rate power, rapidly slipping into third-rate status. We have a weak currency and shrunken armed forces, deployed as auxiliaries in wars that are not in our interest, and we are largely governed from abroad.

Our Parliament is a bought and paid-for puppet chamber. Our culture and customs have been debauched and our younger generations corrupted, as subject populations are, with drink, drugs and promiscuity.

We are compelled, like an occupied people, to use foreign measures to buy butter or meat, and our history is largely forgotten or deliberately distorted in the schools to suit anti-British dogma. Those schools are unable to educate most of our children up to the levels of our main rivals, so ensuring that we provide no challenge to them. Our country has been Balkanised into provinces and regions.

Our language is invaded by foreign words and expressions. Our food and most of our consumer goods are imported, along with our TV programmes and films.

The remaining veterans of the supposedly glorious struggle, far from being gratefully honoured, often live in pinched poverty, scared of feral youths, or die neglected in squalid hospitals in a country many of them no longer recognise as their own.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1209890/PETER-HITCHENS-If-hadnt-fought-World-War-2-British-Empire.html#ixzz0Pg65yBTn

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Steve Brown

I discovered Steve Brown only recently. Steve is a bible teacher how has two radio programs. The first is Steve Brown etc, a weekly talk show with the best talk about freedom I have heard. If you want to see if a person understands Grace email them # Free Sins from the website. Not many people get it. The second show is a daily 15 minute radio show called Key Life. I recommend both shows just be careful you don't fall into the trap that I have done my whole Christian walk of making Steve any thing more than a human being.
I have been reading Steve's wonderful book "A Scandalous Freedom" and have a few observations. Free is free. Freedom from the bondage of human teachers. All my life I looked for the "Teacher" that would have all the answers and was continually disappointed. Only God is your Teacher. Allow him to love you deeply. As Steve talks about, understand that even if you don't get any better God still loves you deeply.
The second thing is how I had created God in the image of what I have heard over the years instead of real God. I have started to ask Father to reveal himself and His love to me. I want to know the real God not the god of my creation.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Funny Stuff

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Graduating and a New Path

Today I complete my final class and have obtained my Bachelor of Science in Accounting. This has been a goal for many years and I smile thinking about it. I also started reading Dr. Al Sears book, The Doctor's Heart Cure. I have decided that I have that living my life in obesity is no longer an option for myself. I had to think about what course I was going to take to achieve health and I decided on Dr. Sears because I believe his system works. In many ways similar to Robert Atkins fame with a few tweaks.
Why a Heart Cure? Heart disease runs in the family and I wanted to make sure I had a system designed for my heart. Also, I think Sears' workout routine is the correct type. I will report on my progress as I continue this journey and new adventure in my life.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Relationship or Principles?

How do we relate to Father, Christ and the Holy Spirit? Do we relate based upon relationship or do we relate based upon principle? Christ said that He is in us and He is in the Father thus through Christ we are in the Father. So the desire of God is to bring us into the relationship that exists within the Holy Trinity. So the answer is we are in a relationship not based upon principles but upon the desire of the Father to show you His deep intimate love.

Now while living upon the earth God has established principles upon which to live. The Law of Sowing and Reaping is one such principle. The Law of Confession is another. Thus to move forward in the world we confess the written word of God, Christ being the Word of God. So the starting principle for believers is discovering Who I Am in Christ and What I Possess in Christ. The important key is to discover this within the relationship that exists within the Holy Trinity.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

College Level Success Course

I was thinking about how I should develop a college level course on Success or maybe a degree in Success. Any suggestions would be helpful. The introductory class would be called, Success: An Introduction. The textbook would be The Success Principles by Jack Canfield.
Other classes would consist of:
Personal Finance – Basic finance
Wealth – The Millionaire Next Door
Leadership - John Maxwell
And the list could go on and on.

I think the basic principles for success could be laid down with people. The problem I have is no multiple answer or true and false tests. I find the best way to learn is choose a topic in the book and write a three page paper on the topic. Think about it you studied a book like The Success Principles and wrote a paper on each chapter what you could learn. The paper would need to be centered on how do I apply this principle to my life or what idea have I learned that can be applied to my life. Another basic textbook could be The Art of Achievement by Tom Morris. By combining philosophy with success Morris has produced a winner of a book.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Quoted by Pat Buchanan

"The United States is declining as a nation and a world power with mostly sighs and shrugs to mark this seismic event," writes Les Gelb, president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, in CFR's Foreign Affairs magazine. "Astonishingly, some people do not appear to realize that the situation is all that serious."

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Keynesian ‘Economist’ Interviews Ron Paul

You can tell the regime is worried when an establishment organ like the Keynesian ‘Economist’ magazine deigns to notice Ron’s fight against the Fed. Why are they doing that? Because he is actually changing the climate of opinion, with the assistance of the Fed’s boom and bust, on the central bank. Never, since 1913, have regular Americans been interested in the Fed. We are supposed to be bored by it. Yet the Fed is the biggest rip-off operation in the history of mankind, and the enabler of world wars, the garrison state, and the massive welfare state. How great to have the best-known back-bencher in American history alerting people, young people, especially, to the evils of central banking, fiat money, and inflation, and to the importance of Austrian economics. Lew Rockwell

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

An Important Breathing Exercise (www.Mercola.com)

Introduction to Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking - a hero of mine

Monday, July 13, 2009

by Neil Anderson

Colossians 1:13
For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son

The Western world today sees reality in two tiers. The upper tier is the transcendent world where God and angels--as well as ghosts and ghouls--reside, a world which is understood through religion and mysticism. The lower tier is the empirical world, which is understood through science and the physical senses. In two-tier mentality, the spiritual world has no practical bearing on the natural world; we have excluded it from our understanding of reality. Most attempts at integrating theology and psychology include only God and humanity (fallen and redeemed) and exclude the activity of Satan and demons.

In stark contrast to the secularism of the West, two-thirds of the inhabitants of the world hold an Eastern worldview. They live and operate believing that spiritual forces are an everyday reality. These people appease their gods with peace offerings and perform religious rituals to ward off evil spirits. To the common people in Third World nations, religious practice or superstition has more practical relevance in daily life than science.

It is easy for those of us raised in the West to dismiss the Eastern worldview as inferior on the basis of the "success" of the Western world. But both are worldly systems and neither reflects biblical reality. The West tries to ignore the reality of the spiritual world and the East tries to appease it or naively enter into it. The Bible clearly depicts the reality of the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light. God's Word tells us we can have victory over the former by being transferred into the latter.

Many Christians either exclude the supernatural from their worldview altogether or consign it to the transcendental tier where it will have no effect on their lives. By doing so they not only exclude God's power from their theology and practice, but they also explain all human failure--even that which is induced by demonic influence--as the result of psychological or natural causes.


Lord, I accept the worldview presented in Your Word. Help me deal victoriously with the reality of demonic forces in my world.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Addiction and Wealth Building

Do not confuse high income with high net worth. Many are high income/high consumption when it comes to money thus you have people earning six figures who have very little net worth but many toys in which to indulge. Also I do not include home equity in this equation when discussing wealth. As we have seen over the last nine years people used their home equity to buy more toys and other things not needed. People who are millionaires are frugal they don't go for the latest fad investment but stay with the tried and true.

Thinking about this has helped me discover how much the Prosperity Gospel has it wrong. The gospel preached by these people lacks any discipline except to tithe the the minister preaching the prosperity message. It is based upon high income/high consumption living not the importance to thrift and sound investment. If a person could learn to earn a high income while living a frugal life think of the possibilities. Ok back to addiction. How does an addiction create a poverty consciousness within ourselves that prevent us from achieving not only our financial goals but all goals. Is it the shame an addict lives with that creates the underachievement? What happens to an individual that wastes their life addicted to that thing or things that needs to be hidden or denied? Is the reason the Christian church is imploding in America because of the 50% addiction rate to pornography by ministers and laymen and over 20% of laywomen.
Wealth Building Books Part 2

If You Want to be Rich than do What Rich People Do

Sounds reasonable but why does everyone seem to complicate this. I suppose if I want to be a millionaire then I should study millionaires such as The Millionaire Next Door. I keep thinking that God will just drop money in my lap but He never does. High income/high consumption does not equal high net worth. I think that was eye opening for me because I have attempted to be frugal but have never succeeded. There has always been something to spend my money on and that is the difference as to why I am not a millionaire. The Millionaire Next Door is an academic study written by researchers. What other books would fall within the category of wealth building books?

On are I have forgotten about with millionaires is that they all have BUDGETS. Yes, the word us middle class people refuse to mention. Now I have known high income/high consumption people who had budgets but never became wealthy and it income wasn't high enough then the credit card came out. That seemed to work when home mortgages were being used to finance lifestyles.

When thinking over the wealth building goals I have it really does start with two things. The first is dealing with any addictions and the second is taking the time to create and live by a budget. I heard Dave Ramsey say when you create a budget it will not work the first month or the second but slowly it will take shape allowing the person to fly.
Thomas Jefferson Quotes

When we get piled upon one another in large cities,

As in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those
who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes.
A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the
government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of
taking care of them.

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results
from too much government.

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and
bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against
tyranny in government.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the
blood of patriots and tyrants.

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of
ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

Jefferson said in 1802:
'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our
liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever
allow private banks to control the issue of their currency,
first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and
corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the
people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on
the continent their fathers

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wealth Building Books Part 1

Recently I reread an article by Michael Masterson about Wealth Building books. I am not going to re-list his categories but I thought I would highlight the ones I thought were interesting to me. One thing I have discovered is that if you have any type of addiction these books will not work. As it is hard to build wealth while feeding the addiction with money. One category his lists is Academic studies, such as The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley. I am presently reading this book and have discovered several things.

The first is the need to be frugal with your money. Just because a person has a high income does not mean they are wealthy as many high income people are also high consumption oriented. If fact many millionaires are people who follows the rule, "Pay Yourself First." What people forget is rule number two, "Don't Lose Money." Thus people blindly placed their money into 401k's because the stock market was heading higher. I guess rule number three would be, "If You Don't Understand it, Don't Invest."

Have I followed these rules? Nope and that is why I am not a millionaire. As an aside if you have the chance go to www.earlytorise.com and subscribe. The wealth of information that comes out has no seconds. As Ben Franklin said, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man Healthy, Wealthy and Wise." The should be the motto of all would be millionaries. I guess the next book to read wil be Ben Franklin's book "The Way to Wealth."
Weight Loss Help

I found this about William Banting:
Doug Kaufman's Phase One Diet
Funny video about Tattoos:

Finally, several weeks ago I had the chacne to hear Jimmy Moore talk about his upcoming book, 21 Life Lessons. You might want to check out Jimmy's website:

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Why I left Church and am Happier for it

I was listening to a radio show talk about a Lutheran minister caught in adultery. Is this the reason why people stop going to church or is there a simpler explanation? My reasons are quite straight forward. I made the mistake of becoming a golfer with the minister who lead the group to which I belonged. If you are unfamiliar with ministers you discover that they have two traits that others don't possess. The first is they are God's reps on this earth so you better not question them, no matter what. The second is ministers enter the ministry, though mine was more by default, because they really are screwed up in the head. I think my minister had serious mental issues. Having watched the clowns on TV I think the trait is common.
I personally had no choice but to get out. About two years before I "left" the group I was golfing with said minister when I made the mistake of questioning something he was going to teach. All I said was "I'm just not convinced." High crime and treason committed. And I admit it too. The said minister proceeded to give me the silent treatment for the remainder of the round. Two weeks later in the group he announced his teaching had been confirmed by the Holy Spirit after some doubts. He was looking right at me when he said it. That was when I knew it was time to leave but I didn't, why because of fear. I had been trained by said minister that he had the anointing, so I stayed.
All it caused me was increasing boredom with his teaching. I discovered that only in his own mind was he a good teacher. Have you ever listen to the same teaching said different ways for 17 years. I did.
Then one joyous day Christ set me free.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

The Millionaire Next Door

I am currently reading “The Millionaire Next Door”. I realize its 13 years late but I wonder if anyone listened to what was said. I found the fact that there is really no correlation between high income and wealth because high income usually translates into high consumption not building wealth. There are two types of millionaires discussed in the book. The first are those people with high incomes or who inherited the money compared with those who built there wealth either by frugal living and budgeting or by building a business.

For many years I was part of the prosperity gospel scene. One thing that always stuck out was that these preachers never taught the importance of budgeting and saving to build for the future. It was always expected that God would drop the lottery winnings in your lap, that unexpected income. What foolishness it was. If I had had taken the time to learn from people who had built wealth instead of people who could speak in public I may have true wealth and financial independence instead of still dependant upon my weekly paycheck.


Saturday, July 04, 2009

Declaration of Independence
Living in a Fantasy Nation

I hear that Obama plans on telling the Russians the Cold War is over. Who thinks the Cold War is still being fought? The United States continues to expand NATO into former Russian territory; the United States has over 700 military bases overseas. We truly live in a fantasy nation. Once the Cold War ended the United States should have begun shutting down the Empire. We have has spend trillions of dollars maintaining this Empire. We have killed millions of people. We have bankrupted ourselves with the printing of money. Both Bush I and II should be sitting in prison next to Bernie Madoff for the crimes against humanity they have committed. And I see Obama is heading in the same direction.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Belief Systems

Curious thing about humans and the belief systems they develop to survive the dull drums of life. Solomon talked about the vanity of life, “Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity”. We go through life doing the same thing every day, “what does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun?” We go through life doing the same thing over and over again. We arise in the morning to work, eat and sleep. Everyday the same, on weekends we tend the yard, cut the grass, etc.

We medicate ourselves with drugs, alcohol and sex to make it through life. We cheer for “our team” to avoid thinking about the boredom of life. But in the end we know that is was all in vane as we will die and be forgotten in this life for who remembers that people of yesteryear. And if they were lucky enough to have had a picture taken we ask, “Do you know who this person was?” And everyone says “no”. Man strives to build a legacy only to have his descendants squander it. We strive for knowledge and wisdom only to discover, “For in much wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow”.

To realize that the same end awaits both the fool and the wise, as Solomon said, “For of the wise as of the fool there is no enduring remembrance, seeing that in the days to come all will have been long forgotten. How the wise dies just like the fool!” Prior to this verse Solomon says, “The wise person has his eyes in his head, but the fool walks in darkness. And yet I perceived that the same event happens to all of them.” But what is the goal of it all? As Solomon says, “There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment? 26 For to the one who pleases him, God has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner he has given the business of gathering and collecting, only to give to one who pleases God. This also is vanity and a striving after wind.”

Only God can give us the ability to enjoy this cycle of toil that exists in life. Christ came so that we could enjoy in this life those things that are meaningless in the next life. I did digress from the point I was attempting to make. In order to survive this life we have each person has a belief system. Some are developed on our own while others are taught to us by parents and teachers, etc. I have noticed when a person with another belief system comes along it is anathema.

All Scripture is from the English Standard Version, the book of Ecclesiastes chapters 1-2.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bon Jovi Records Version of Stand by Me for Iranian People
Samavayo - Teheran Girl
Fewer Consumers Filling Their Prescriptions

A failing economy is to blame for U.S. patients not filling their prescriptions, a study by a Philadelphia-based heath information company suggests.

The study, conducted by Wolters-Kluwer Health, found U.S. patients did not fill 6.8 percent of the brand-name prescriptions ordered by physicians in the fourth quarter of 2008, a 22 percent increase over the first quarter of 2007.

Patients treated generics more favorably, failing to fill 4.1 percent of generic prescriptions.

More Information Needed

“When it comes to compliance on filling medical prescriptions, there are two types of people: Those who never fill them, and those who don’t fill them because they can’t,” said Peter Pitts, director of New York-based Center for Medicine in the Public Interest and former associate commissioner of the federal Food and Drug Administration.

That’s one of the failures of the study, Pitts said.

“The study didn’t break down what percent does have insurance and what percent does not,” Pitts said, “as well as what group qualifies for assistance.

“The statistics presented in this study are only showing you part of what is going on,” Pitts said. “It is not dishonest; it just incomplete information, which is a prescription for disaster.”

Turning to Generic Drugs

“The truth is, the growth in prescription drug co-payments outpaces the growth of prescription drug prices,” Pitts said. “The price of co-pay is going up four times [as fast as] the price of the drug. The problem isn’t with the cost of the drug; the problem is with the insurance. When co-pay goes down, compliance will come up.”

According to the report, “generic prescriptions increased to 2.4 billion in 2008, up 200 million compared with 2007, while orders for brand-name medicines declined by 200 million for 2008, to 1.4 billion.”
[3.8 billion prescriptions, we are a drugged nation]

Shikha Dalmia, a senior policy analyst for the Reason Foundation based in Washington, DC, said turning to generic drugs “isn’t necessarily a bad thing” and, “considering the severity of this recession,” she isn’t too shocked.

“What is bad is if people are forgoing drugs and, therefore, their health gets worse,” Dalmia said.
A better-treated patient, Pitts and Dalmia agreed, is essentially less expensive.

Government Power Grab Feared

Ultimately, Pitts explained, the results of the study will be used as just “another credit for Uncle Sam.

“This is another piece of information that will be used to support a massive government takeover. And if you want to reform health care, we have to look at all of the facts, not just some of them,” Pitts added.

Elisha Maldonado (elishamaldonado@gmail.com) writes from California.

Source: The Heartland Institute, http://ow.ly/fDwB
Book Reviews
Pearl Harbor and Days of Infamy by Newt Gingrich and William Forstchen

Alternative history has never been on my reading list but I decided to give Newt's Pearl Harbor a try. I was so impressed I immediately picked up and read Days of Infamy. The story line is based upon the premise that if Yamamoto personal let the attacks upon Pearl Harbor would he have ordered a third strike. And what king of damage would the third wave have caused. Days of Infamy takes up exactly where the first book leaves off.
At the time of Pearl Harbor the United States was years behind Japan in fighter technology and strategy as this book shows. The importance of oil is again and again brought to the readers attention.
Having read very little alternative history with the exception of a couple of Harry Turtledove, who I find to over the top in many respects. I would like to recommend both of these books whether you like Newt or not. The writing style makes you feel that you are in the action and again the storyline is believable.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

Jump Into a TV Career With This Powerful Selling Tool
By Paul Lawrence

There are more opportunities than ever for you to sell reality show concepts to Hollywood. Virtually every broadcast and cable network is aggressively airing as many reality shows as they can.

The reason is simple. It's cheap to produce them. And if a show catches on - like American Idol, Survivor, or The Real World - it can attract larger audiences than the most popular scripted programs.

This year, the reality show Dancing With the Stars snagged as many as 22.5 million viewers per episode. In comparison, a top-rated sitcom like How I Met Your Mother brings in about 8 million viewers.

The low cost of producing reality shows, combined with their large audiences, equals big profits. According to The Wall Street Journal, each episode of UPN's Top Model costs about $800,000. Meanwhile, the cost of an average scripted drama is in the range of $2 million.

Why is it so much cheaper to produce reality shows? Simple. The people appearing on them can usually be paid much less than those on scripted programs. In addition, filming is usually done in the participants' homes, which avoids expensive set construction and labor costs. And they require only a bare-bones writing staff.

If the show is a big hit, the production company can earn enormous licensing fees. The New York Times reports that the production company of American Idol had revenues that grew to $96 million last year from $67 million two years earlier, with gross profit margins expanding to 77 percent from 69 percent.

If you could get in on that kind of action, you'd not only have "made it" in Hollywood, you'd have a nice chunk of change for your "trouble."

However, you need more than just a good idea. I've pitched shows to producers well over a hundred times, and I've found them to be surprisingly unimaginative.

They need to be shown precisely what the show will be like.

One of the best tools for doing that is a video "demo."

Let's use Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice as an example.

In this show, two teams of celebrities compete by performing a specified business task. The team that does it better wins. One member of the losing team is "fired." The following week, the remaining celebrities are given another challenge - and this continues until only one celebrity is left.

The celebrities appear on the show in order to raise money for charities they support - plus, they get publicity as a result of being on nationally broadcast network TV.

Viewers watch the celebrities as they go about planning and completing the assigned task. Along the way, there is constant bickering and feuding... as well as plenty of drama.

So, if you were going to make a demo for Celebrity Apprentice, it might look like this:

1. A 30-second clip of Donald Trump telling the celebrities about their task.

2. Several quick sound bytes of celebrities speaking into the camera about how they feel about the task.

3. Some scenes of celebrities butting heads as they try to get the task done.

4. A 30-second clip of their final results.

5. Some brief squabbling while Trump berates the celebrities in the boardroom and then fires one of them.

Almost anyone can produce a demo reel. It has to look fairly professional (i.e., it can't look like you shot it with your cellphone), but it doesn't need to be anywhere near as polished as an actual broadcast show.

Fortunately for today's aspiring reality show producers, high quality video equipment no longer costs an arm and a leg. A basic mini-DV camera can be bought for only a few hundred dollars - and if you don't want to buy one, you can rent one for even less. Not only that... if you don't want to shoot the demo yourself, there are many professional videographers out there who charge very reasonable rates.

If you're interested in creating a video demo to pitch an idea to reality television show producers, here are some tips to get you started:

* Capture the essence of the show in no more than five minutes - three minutes would be better. Hollywood producers are incredibly pressed for time, and have no patience. If they can't "get" what your show would be like in a few minutes, they will almost certainly stop watching and pass on the project.
* When possible and appropriate, add music to enhance the "feel" of the show. If, for example, the show is about an up and coming female martial artist, you might use high-energy rock music.
* Keep the video fast-paced, with lots of quick cuts between scenes.
* Capture some panic, anguish, excitement... something the execs can sink their teeth into.
* Use someone with a professional broadcasting voice to do a voiceover narration. If that's not possible, just use captions to make it easy for the viewer to understand what's going on onscreen.

If you come up with a hot idea for a reality TV show and present it to producers in a professional manner, they will take you seriously - even if they've never heard of you before. And, if they like your idea... you could be on your way to a new career in the entertainment industry.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Odds and Ends

The National Coalition for Purity is a group with a mission of showing men freedom from pornography. Below is a WCCO-TV report about them.

Zimbabwe is rule by a madman, Robert Mugabe. Like no other nation in history Zimbabwe is showing the dangers of fiat money. I just hope this isn't the future of America.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

William Banting

Mr. Banting faced a challenge. He had retired and at age 66 found himself obese. If he had been alive today doctors would have put him on a low fat high carb diet in which he would have gained more wieght, oh wait, he did listen to the doctors of his day and became worse. What is next doctor recommended saved his life. William Harvey had just returned from a Diabetes symposium in Paris. In those days diabetics were placed on low carb diets so Dr. Harvey recommend the same for Banting.

"Dr. Harvey put Mr. Banting on a diet that banished potatoes, bread, butter, milk, sugar and beer -- the patient's favorite foods. As was the custom in late-19th-century England, Mr. Banting continued to eat four meals a day. But instead of buttered toast for breakfast, he ate four or five ounces of meat or fish. At lunch, rather than bread, beer and pastry, he ate fish, vegetables and fruit. Tea and supper were similar, although supper included two or three glasses of claret, sherry or Madeira. Champagne and port were mysteriously forbidden." (Crossen)

The results were Mr. Banting losing 46 pounds and wrote about his experiences in "Letter of Corpulence" published in 1863. People started following his diet and it became know as "banting or bantingism." And since that time the medical establishment has been playing games with our diet. To many careers have been created based upon the falsehood of low fat dieting.

Cynthia Crossen. Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.: May 5, 2004. pg. B.1

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tom Wilson song First Baptist Bar & Grill

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

How to Live Longer - Even If You're Overweight

By Craig Ballantyne

If you have a hard time losing weight and you're worried about your health, I have good news. The most recent research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that being fit can help you live longer even if you still need to lose five or 10 pounds.

In this study, researchers reviewed more than 2,600 adults (ages 60 and over) and followed them for up to 24 years. Folks with a healthy body mass index (a BMI of 18-25) had the lowest rate of death, but fitness level was also associated with a lower risk of dying.

If you are overweight, the best way to add years to your life (and life to your years) is to lose weight and get fit. But even if you struggle with the former, the latter will help you.

It's not too late to get started on an exercise program. Find a safe walking surface, get good walking shoes, and get out there every day for at least 20 minutes. Add in two short total-body resistance-training sessions per week and you'll feel better, have more energy, and enjoy those extra years.

[Ed. Note: Stop fretting about that extra five pounds you can't seem to kick. Stay active, and you can still live a long, healthy life. For a fat-burning, muscle-building exercise routine, try fitness expert Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training program.]

Friday, June 12, 2009

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

The Most Valuable Thing That Money Can Buy

By Michael Masterson

Take a sheet of paper and draw a vertical line down the middle of it. On the left side of the page, under a column marked "Things I Enjoy," make a list - maybe something like this:

* Time with family and friends
* Reading
* My hobbies (List them.)
* My house
* My car
* My stereo
* My clothes
* and so on...

On the right side of the page, write down a number from 1 to 5 that indicates how much ongoing enjoyment you get from each of those things. What you'll probably find out is that most of the best things in your life, as the saying goes, are, indeed, free.

That's the way it is for you. That's the way it is for me. And that's the way it is for everyone else, including billionaires.

The most valuable thing that money can buy you is the freedom to spend your time as you see fit. And when you reach the point where you can spend most of your time paying attention to those things that bring you the greatest pleasure, chances are you won't spend a great deal of money (unless you are unfathomably shallow). You'll probably choose to spend your time conversing with friends, reading good books, enjoying art and travel - living the kind of life you imagine wealthy English or French aristocrats did in centuries past.

To some extent, at least, you can do that right now.

[Ed. Note: The above article was adapted from Automatic Wealth: The Six Steps to Financial Independence, published with permission from John Wiley & Sons.]

How to Break the Sugar Addiction

By Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison

It's been seven years since I've had a soda. But there was a time when I was ravenous for Mountain Dew. It was cold, it was fizzy, and it tasted damn good. Whether I was slaving away in the lab, poring over science journals in the library, or even teaching organic chemistry, nothing stopped me from drinking it. I was hooked. Little did I know, I had developed a biochemical addiction to the sugar in Mountain Dew that could have led me to an early grave.

Do you have an addiction to sugary sodas? If so, pay careful attention. I'll reveal what you need to do to save your health.

In a study comparing the addictive properties of sweeteners, sugar proved more addictive than cocaine. When consumed, sugar increases serotonin levels within the brain. This increases the production of endorphins. Like drugs, these brain chemicals trigger opioid receptors, thereby eliciting the sensation of happiness. This artificial increase in serotonin levels causes the body to down-regulate its natural production and release of serotonin. Addiction begins to creep in.

Serotonin is responsible for controlling mood and appetite. Without serotonin, a person gets depressed and craves more sugar. This forges an emotional bond between happiness and sugar (or soda sweetened with sugar). Sugar addicts become dependent on it to increase serotonin and therefore make them feel happy. That explains why, no matter what I was doing, I would drop it to get my Mountain Dew fix! By leveraging this biochemical addiction, soda manufacturers are making a fortune.

The problem with sugar addiction is that it leads to obesity and Type II diabetes. Not only was I an honorary member of The Fat Cow Hall of Fame (I weighed 205 lbs with 30 percent body fat; off soda today, I'm 170 lbs with 10 percent body fat), I was boosting my blood sugar to dangerous levels. One soda per day increases your risk of diabetes by 85 percent, which can reduce your lifespan by 11 to 20 years.

The addiction can be totally overcome in about three weeks. To do it, you need plenty of exercise and sunshine, along with L-tryptophan from grass-fed beef and whey isolate. Natural sweeteners like stevia and agave can help you ease off the soda (use them to make a natural soda from sparkling water and lime), as can herbal teas (like Yerba Mate).

[Ed. Note: Shane Ellison's (www.thepeopleschemist.com) entire career has been dedicated to the study of molecules - how they give life and how they take from it. He was a two-time recipient of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Grant for his research in biochemistry and physiology. He is a bestselling author, holds a master's degree in organic chemistry, and has firsthand experience in drug design.]

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I recently read a blog by Jimmy Moore about creating an “all-inclusive” commission about low carb. He fails to understand the presiding paradigm is a high carb low fat diet. History shows the existing paradigm always collapses as the establishment dies out. This allows those who hold the new views, who are younger, to establish a new paradigm. Revolution starts not in government created commissions but as people begin to accept the new paradigm. For low carb living a new paradigm has been developing. The cause of this change has been the internet. When I first tried low carb living years ago I was the only person I knew who was doing low carb, even those doctors I knew who accepted that low carb was the healthy way to live did not follow it. Today there are unlimited websites advocating a version of the low carb lifestyle. And I do think it’s funny to see the infighting that occurs within the camp, everyone has the answer just like the existing establishment.

Today we have a new support system that allows people to work out their low carb life with friendly people. This is how you change the world one person at a time not attempting to change the establishment. The establishment does not care about you, it is only concerned with maintaining the status quo.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Always a Teacher

I was raised a Protestant believer. What I have discovered has been the constant need to find a teacher to lead me into all truth. I spent 17 years listening to a man who claimed he was anointed by God but wasn't. I walked away from his falsehood thanking Father for kicking me out of that setting. Over the years I have always looked for the teacher with the message that will set me free but have never found him. This is what I have learned that Bible teachers should be. We live in a land that makes these people celebrities because they have the ability to talk in public. Think about all the falsehood that exists within the American church today.
What is the role of teachers in the Bible? A teacher is not someone who makes you dependent upon them but who shows you the way to freedom in Christ and allows you for go out and do likewise. For it is the Anointing, Holy Spirit, who teaches each believer the ways of truth and not man. Though I know men who claim quite a bit for themselves.
Another thing I have discovered is that just because a man or woman has a "TV ministry" does not mean their from God. The late Herbert Armstrong has a very large TV ministry at one time but was a false teacher. And I still see his disciples on TV.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

The United States Bill of Rights

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment III

No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Amendment VII

In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Where is the Remote Control?

Older Couple Playing Piano

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Peter Schiff Discusses the Economy
The Apostles' Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth;

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday Fun Day

Jeff Dunham and Peanut

How to Peel a Hard Boiled Egg:

A Wonderful Song from Aimee Allen:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

One of my favorite comedians is Jeff Dunham. He is worth watching.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Isaiah 66:22-24

22"For as the new heavens and the new earth
that I make
shall remain before me, says the LORD,
so shall your offspring and your name remain.
23 From new moon to new moon,
and from Sabbath to Sabbath,
all flesh shall come to worship before me,declares the LORD.

24"And they shall go out and look on the dead bodies of the men who have rebelled against me. For their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh." ESV

22 “ For as the new heavens and the new earth
Which I will make shall remain before Me,” says the LORD,

“ So shall your descendants and your name remain.
23 And it shall come to pass
That from one New Moon to another,
And from one Sabbath to another,
All flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says the LORD.
24 “ And they shall go forth and look
Upon the corpses of the men
Who have transgressed against Me.
For their worm does not die,
And their fire is not quenched.
They shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.” NKJ

22For as the new heavens and the new earth which I make shall remain before Me, says the Lord, so shall your offspring and your name remain.

23And it shall be that from one New Moon to another New Moon and from one Sabbath to another Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before Me, says the Lord.

24And they shall go forth and gaze upon the dead bodies of the [rebellious] men who have stepped over against Me; for their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all mankind. Amplified

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What is it about Charismatics?

I have notice something about the evangelical/charismatic church, we blindly follow leaders. I followed the same guy for 17 years so I am as guilty as the next per fitter. When I attended the charismatic group for which I once belonged I heard many times that bad things happen to those people who left the group. Talk about fear motivation and this coming from the same guy who would tell me things the “Lord” said to him about me. I noticed that none of those things ever happened, whatever happened to the stoning of false prophets. That would shout up most Charismatics quickly. Anywho, I was just thinking about all those years I would jump from one Bible teacher to the next looking for the great leader. I caught myself doing it again when I would listen to these two guys who produce a weekly podcast about their version of Christianity. I was straightened out when one of the guys went after John Calvin, it was basically slander. Why can the guy at the pulpit say anything he wants? Whatever happened to the love Christ talked so much about.

Once again I realized that I had fallen for the same old trap of hero worship so prevalent in the evangelical/charismatic churches. Immediately Father began showing me a whole new (Old) world of Eastern Orthodox Faith and I made the decision to pursue gift to see where it would lead. My goal in all this is to determine if the Ancient Church was so controlled by the guy at the pulpit or was the center of the worship upon the Triune God. It should be an interesting test.
Chasing Phantoms Part II

In my last post I forgot the explanation of the title Chasing Phantoms. Over the past 25 years I have attempted to use teachers as a way for overcome my problems. It has not worked. As I said on my last post I sat under one teacher for 17 years. When I left that group after major Holy Spirit encouragement (I was attacked from the pulpit, nameless of course because he is a Minnesotan). As an aside beware of Minnesotans, they are passive-aggressive lot who will be nice to your face and will beat you behind your back. I digress.

Much of present day evangelicalism is chasing phantoms. The teaching is based on the latest whim of the pastor or the sermon outline used. The people go to church not to hear the lame sermon but to see their friends. Many churches have gotten so big that you have trouble finding your car after the service. I guess they call that success. Hahaha. I didn’t have this problem is the group for which I once belonged. The “teacher” made sure that anyone who thought a little different then he die no longer attended. I guess that’s what happened to me. I was growing rather bored with the same type of teaching every week. How many sermons can you hear on how do get things from God over 17 years. I don’t joke, that was his main teaching every week. I remember when he attempted to talk about relationships it was comical. The world revolved around him so the only relationship where those that benefited him.
Now why did I say all that, oh yeah. I started looking into the teachings of the Eastern Christianity and I find one thing to start interesting. In the first 1000 years of the Church there were seven ecumenical councils to resolve issues within the Church. The first was Nicea which dealt with the Arian heresy. After the last council in 787 AD the Eastern Church stopped adopting new doctrine because only the whole church can change dogma (if I am incorrect please let me know). That is another thing that I like about the Eastern Tradition if they don’t understand it they call it a mystery instead trying to have all the answers. I like that.
Chasing Phantoms

I have been reading a wonderful book by Peter Gillquist called: Becoming Orthodox: A Journey to the Ancient Christian Faith,” The story is about the group of people move from Evangelical Christianity to the Orthodox Christian Church. As this group studied church history they became convinced that the true Church was the Orthodox Church. I have been part of evangelicalism for many years and I understand the reasons for moving out of this movement. There is little meaning to anything the evangelicals do. A recent article on internetmonk.com talks about the coming Evangelical collapse. I see it coming.

My story is more in the Word of Faith movement. For 17 years I sat under a teacher whose basic learning technique was whatever the TV ministers were saying. It was the Church of the Whim. Whatever the latest fad on TV was that is what would be coming. When I left that group I tossed all my notes. Plus why are Evangelical/Charismatic minister so self centered. The whole world revolved around this guy. Anyway back to the Orthodox Church. I laid out a plan for myself to move back to the Ancient Christian Faith. How it will be revealed is unknown at this time but I do look forward to it. I am starting with two books I have ordered. The first is On The Incarnation by St. Athanasius. The book was a defense of the Christian faith against the Arianism. The second is a book on Orthodox spirituality.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

The Language Perfectionist: Mistakes in the News

By Don Hauptman

You might assume that respected publications employ battalions of skilled editors who work assiduously to ensure that no errors appear in their pages. Maybe so, but the mistakes don't always get caught. Here are four that I recently found in major newspapers:

* "When Mr. Biden indulges in his rhetorical overkill of repeating the same phrase three times - the proud men and women of Scranton, he said... 'wanted the government to understand their problem, to understand their problem, be cognizant of the problem'...."

Did you catch it? He didn't repeat the phrase three times. He repeated it twice.

* "We create elaborate Excel spreadsheets in our head sorting what we would buy...."

In our one collective head? Try the plural heads.

* "Indeed, the banjos owned by Mr. Scruggs were nearly priceless."

As the MasterCard ads suggest, the word priceless has some validity when it's applied to a sunset or time with one's family. But a rare collectible surely has a price. What's more, "nearly priceless" is nonsensical.

* "I have known him for nearly two years, and have seen him in a variety of situations... over a glass of wine in his boyish loft in Manhattan's Tribeca...."

The word boyish means "like a boy" or "youthful and innocent." The word may legitimately be used to characterize an adult male, but can it describe his apartment? Nope. In place of this clunky phrasing, the writer should have told us something about the resident's furnishings or toys. That would have conveyed a vivid and concrete image.

These examples demonstrate once again that it's a good idea to express oneself carefully. Sloppy writing and unprofessional editing tend to stop readers in their tracks and distract from the message.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

Slash Your Travel Expenses With 7 Strategies From an Expert Scrooge

By Steenie Harvey

Despite their concerns about the economy, Americans are still traveling, according to a Fast Park survey. Says a report on CheapFlights.com, "Fast Park found that 66 percent of its customers planned to book the same number of vacations and purchase airline tickets in 2009 as they did last year."

While this news may be surprising, it's no shocker that the people who plan to travel are searching for bargains.

My advice? Head East.

I just returned from Southeast Asia, and it was full of budget-friendly deals.

The best buy? An airline ticket with AirAsia. Flying from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's capital, to Penang Island cost me the equivalent of $9.45, taxes included. And it wasn't a travel writer's discount. If booked at the right time, that budget fare was available to everyone.

Although freebies and discounts are part of a professional travel writer's life, you usually need to have a few stories published before you're treated to "hospitality." When starting out, most have to make their dollars stretch as far as possible.

And even if travel writing doesn't figure in your plans, it doesn't require wads of cash to explore exotic places. Not if you start thinking like a cheapskate writer.

Okay. I lucked out and got a generous media discount (and an upgrade to club status) at the Manila Hyatt. But although lounging in luxury is fun, I'm really a Scrooge at heart.

So if you dream of exploring Asia this year, here are seven tips to help you slash your budget:

1. Scratch Japan, Singapore, and South Korea from your schedule.

They're not inexpensive countries - and their high-profile beach destinations are for well-heeled tourists only. Nice if you can afford it, but Thailand has far more to offer than the beaches of Phuket and Koh Samui. (Besides, White Beach on Boracay Island in the Philippines outdoes them both - and it's a better value.)

2. Asian Web travel agencies often supply better discounts than you can get from major U.S. booking sites or by contacting the hotels themselves.

Here are a couple of deals I got: Through asiawebdirect.com, a double with breakfast at Kuala Lumpur's Swiss Garden Hotel was $61. In the Philippines, at the Carmela de Boracay Hotel facing Boracay Island's famous White Beach, a double with breakfast was $71 through agoda.com.

3. "Budget accommodations" doesn't have to mean grungy backpacker hostels.

On Borneo, I met a retired British couple staying in a Kota Kinabalu guesthouse for $18 nightly. Private room, air conditioning, power shower, Internet, free airport pickup - they had no complaints. For them, "flashpacking" throughout Asia for five months worked out cheaper than staying at home.

4. Eat with locals.

Just because a meal costs only a dollar or two doesn't mean it's unsafe - or that a plastic-table joint is unhygienic. My only caveat is to avoid empty restaurants. They're usually empty for good reason.

5. Vietnam is an exception, but organized excursions can be outrageously expensive.

Before signing up, check to see if you can make the same trip yourself using public transport. For example, I went snorkeling on Sapi Island, off Northern Borneo. Return ticket on a public ferry: $4.75. Hire of snorkeling equipment: $4.20. A seafood noodle lunch with fresh lime juice: $2.80. Total cost for me: $11.75. The same trip with a local tour outfit costs $36.40.

6. On the same subject... if you're traveling with someone else, hiring a taxi for the day is often cheaper than a tour.

My husband and I have done all-day taxi trips in both Thailand and India for under $60.

7. Be creative, and you'll unlock lots of adventures for very little.

Ride a jeepney in Manila - less than 10 cents for one of the most unforgettable rides of your life. Delve into a night market. (You don't have to buy anything.) Try a fish pedicure. (In Malaysia, it costs only $6 to $8.) And why visit a fancy spa for a traditional massage? You'll find many beaches where you can have for one for $2 or $3.

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

Hotel Insider Reveals How to Snag the Best Deals

By Bonnie Caton

Over the past 14 years, Wendy G. has worked her way up from hotel front desks to operations and beyond. She's trained hotel reservationists to negotiate prices... and she knows better than anyone how to work the system.

Here are her five tips for getting a great deal on hotels with three or more stars:

1. Book directly with the hotel.

Call the front desk and ask to speak with the "on-site reservationist." Avoid the reservations 800 number, which will usually connect you to an outside company that isn't open to negotiation and can't access the best deals.

2. Appeal to the "human factor" for negotiating power.

Once you get an on-site reservationist on the phone, let her know why you're excited about going to that particular hotel. Going on your honeymoon? Let your excitement show.

3. Be nice.

"If you're nice," Wendy told me, "you're much more likely to get what you want. If you're unkind, you'll pay full price for the room by the elevator."

4. Try someone else.

If you still don't get the deal you're looking for, call back a few hours later to see if you can catch someone on the next shift.

5. Ask for a nicer room.

If you're already getting a discount, you'll be less likely to get upgraded to a nicer room for free. But if you're paying full rate, make sure you ask if a room upgrade is available.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

What to Do If You Get Laid Off

By Jason Holland

Companies are cutting expenses due to the economy's downward slide. Not even workers with a perfect track record are immune to layoffs. And with an unemployment rate that reached 8.1 percent in February, it can be tougher than ever to find a new job.

If you're handed a pink slip, here are some ideas to help you get the best possible severance package and/or "exit" plan:

* Don't blindly sign your severance agreement. The terms can be negotiated. (This is best done by talking to your boss instead of HR.) You can, for example, ask for more money, extended health benefits, or job search assistance.

* If you're in the middle of a project, ask to stay on until it is completed. Explain the consequences if it is not done on time.

* Offer to keep working as a freelancer or consultant. Your pay will be lower, but at least you'll have some money coming in while you look for another job.

* Ask for a prorated bonus, especially if your scheduled performance review is only a couple of months away.

But don't spend too much time and effort begging your soon-to-be-ex boss to "extend" your old job. Remember, it would be just a stopgap until you find a new job - so direct most of your attention to that task without delay. You're not going to be able to live off your severance for long. That already limited source of money will dry up very quickly.

(Source: Smart Money)

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

The Language Perfectionist: Silver Spoonerisms

By Don Hauptman

In honor of April Fool's Day, let's look once again at the lighter side of language.

You've surely heard, or perhaps even committed, a spoonerism - the exchange, often accidental, of the initial letters or sounds of two words, which results in a surprising and funny new meaning. For instance, one might intend to say "It's time to leave the house" but inadvertently say "It's time to heave the louse."

Since childhood, I've been fascinated by spoonerisms. In 1991, Dell published Cruel and Unusual Puns, my book on the subject. I still occasionally write articles about the genre for fellow logophiles.

The word spoonerism derives from William Archibald Spooner (1844-1930), a clergyman and a scholar and official at Oxford University. He supposedly uttered these blunders constantly. Scolding a student: "You have hissed all my mystery lectures. You have tasted two worms."

Only a handful of genuine spoonerisms are attributed to Dr. Spooner, and even those have been disputed. Mischievous students invented most of his alleged bloopers, yet the myth that Spooner said them persists to this day.

Spoonerisms continue to be crafted deliberately for humorous purposes. Consider the following specimens. If any stump you, remember the principle of reversing the initial letters of two of the words.

* Unadoptable section of the animal shelter: Nixed mutts.

* First lesson for Starbucks' baristas: Heed the foamless!

* Why celebrities usually tolerate autograph seekers: A good fan is hard to mind.

* Alert for Australian soldiers: But mate - there's war!

* What it's called nowadays when teenage girls know so much that their beleaguered dads can't keep up: The well-aware daughter gap.

* That bittersweet feeling on returning from summer vacation: One sighs; it's fall.

* Homer Simpson's reaction when he belatedly heard about Chamberlain's 1938 appeasement of Hitler: Better the Neville you... d'oh!

Is all this just silly fun, without practical value? No! The study of spoonerisms and other speech errors gives us a "window into the mind," say neurologists, psychologists, and linguists who do research in human behavior. It yields important clues about how the mind works; how language is acquired, structured, and retrieved; and how language disabilities such as dyslexia might be treated or cured.

My hunch is that you'll now be on the alert whenever you encounter tips of the slung. Er, I mean, "slips of the tongue"!

[Ed Note: For more than three decades, Don Hauptman was an award-winning independent direct-response copywriter and creative consultant. He is author of The Versatile Freelancer, an e-book recently published by AWAI that shows writers and other creative professionals how to diversify their careers into speaking, consulting, training, and critiquing.]