Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I recently read a blog by Jimmy Moore about creating an “all-inclusive” commission about low carb. He fails to understand the presiding paradigm is a high carb low fat diet. History shows the existing paradigm always collapses as the establishment dies out. This allows those who hold the new views, who are younger, to establish a new paradigm. Revolution starts not in government created commissions but as people begin to accept the new paradigm. For low carb living a new paradigm has been developing. The cause of this change has been the internet. When I first tried low carb living years ago I was the only person I knew who was doing low carb, even those doctors I knew who accepted that low carb was the healthy way to live did not follow it. Today there are unlimited websites advocating a version of the low carb lifestyle. And I do think it’s funny to see the infighting that occurs within the camp, everyone has the answer just like the existing establishment.

Today we have a new support system that allows people to work out their low carb life with friendly people. This is how you change the world one person at a time not attempting to change the establishment. The establishment does not care about you, it is only concerned with maintaining the status quo.

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