Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Keynesian ‘Economist’ Interviews Ron Paul

You can tell the regime is worried when an establishment organ like the Keynesian ‘Economist’ magazine deigns to notice Ron’s fight against the Fed. Why are they doing that? Because he is actually changing the climate of opinion, with the assistance of the Fed’s boom and bust, on the central bank. Never, since 1913, have regular Americans been interested in the Fed. We are supposed to be bored by it. Yet the Fed is the biggest rip-off operation in the history of mankind, and the enabler of world wars, the garrison state, and the massive welfare state. How great to have the best-known back-bencher in American history alerting people, young people, especially, to the evils of central banking, fiat money, and inflation, and to the importance of Austrian economics. Lew Rockwell

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