Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Why I left Church and am Happier for it

I was listening to a radio show talk about a Lutheran minister caught in adultery. Is this the reason why people stop going to church or is there a simpler explanation? My reasons are quite straight forward. I made the mistake of becoming a golfer with the minister who lead the group to which I belonged. If you are unfamiliar with ministers you discover that they have two traits that others don't possess. The first is they are God's reps on this earth so you better not question them, no matter what. The second is ministers enter the ministry, though mine was more by default, because they really are screwed up in the head. I think my minister had serious mental issues. Having watched the clowns on TV I think the trait is common.
I personally had no choice but to get out. About two years before I "left" the group I was golfing with said minister when I made the mistake of questioning something he was going to teach. All I said was "I'm just not convinced." High crime and treason committed. And I admit it too. The said minister proceeded to give me the silent treatment for the remainder of the round. Two weeks later in the group he announced his teaching had been confirmed by the Holy Spirit after some doubts. He was looking right at me when he said it. That was when I knew it was time to leave but I didn't, why because of fear. I had been trained by said minister that he had the anointing, so I stayed.
All it caused me was increasing boredom with his teaching. I discovered that only in his own mind was he a good teacher. Have you ever listen to the same teaching said different ways for 17 years. I did.
Then one joyous day Christ set me free.

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