Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

I experienced an attack this past week that has me deciding my "church" life, aka the club. The who leads this group for which I have attend for 1 years was teaching about using Grace to obey the Law, Old Testament. I asked a question and I thought was given a poor answer. He was raised Catholic so works and obedience are important. I thought it was done but at the end of class he threw a temper tantrum like an 8 year old. He left the class and would not acknowledge me in the parking lot, he was hiding in his truck.
This is not the first time this has happened. I remember golfing with him and he was about to begin teaching the Word of Faith spirit man teaching. I made the comment that I was convinced yet about the teaching. For five holes of golf he gave me the cold shoulder. He never once came to me about this issue to talk to me about him. I've concluded that he is a typical Charismatic teacher were the world circles around him. Any way back to the original story.
I went home thinking about all the ways I could talk this out with him but I realized that he will never come to me and talk about this. He thinks he has special anointing from God to be a teacher so anyone who disagrees is anathema. When I first joined that group he taught there was probably fifty people involved. Today a good day is 15. Why?
I have decided to listen to Wayne Jacobsen at Lifestream.
The Journey Father has for me looks like, I don't know but I have started using the material of Steve McVey "Grace Walk."

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