Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

The Road to Sitges Part II: Obscure 1943 Book Foretold Teutonic Push for World Domination
Jurriaan Maessen
June 6, 2010

As Paul Joseph Watson reported in his May 11 2009 article ‘Top Nazis Planned EU-Style Fourth Reich’, top Nazi industrialists were present at the cradle of the European Union and, through the creation of the Bilderberg group, guided her growth during all stages of her development into the post-war era. As reported in the article, a group of top ranking German industrialists planned for an economic super state founded upon a common market for the whole of Europe. It has also been confirmed that the Bilderberg group had their plans for a European Union and currency in place by at least 1955. ‘The idea of uniting Europe in a closed trade bloc is no longer shocking if Germany assumes domination over such a bloc.’, wrote one of the founding Nazi-ideologues in the 19th century. The man who arranged for Hitler to become Chancellor of Germany, Von Papen, had also written about the possibility of a “European Federation” under strict German control of course, with Berlin as its glorious Axis mundi. It has been abundantly pointed out that German industrialists have aligned themselves with the Anglo-American establishment after the war, teaming up to form what is better known as the New World Order. While Europe was blindfolded by terror and death, a book was published by New York publisher Charles Scribner’s Sons which carried the ominous title ‘The Thousand Year Conspiracy’. In the book, the author Paul Winkler offers a fascinating insight into the people who are in the business of engineering financial crises and wars in Prussia from its very conception way back in the dark ages. To gain some understanding about the origin and significance of this ‘Prusso-Teutonic’ establishment, as Winkler calls it, let us follow the author down the ladder into his in-depth research.

Read the Rest of the Story

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