Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

The Road to Sitges Part I: The Prussian Prince
Jurriaan Maessen

“It is difficult to re-educate people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supra-national body.”

Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfeld, Founder of Bilderberg

At the upcoming Bilderberg-conference scheduled for June 3-6 to take place in the resort-town of Sitges, Spain, we will once again see representatives from finance, military, government, media and academia climb out of their limousines to plot their next move against the free peoples of the world. We will not hear about it from the vast majority of mainstream media outlets. Those who sit on the board of directors of huge media-conglomerates are usually present at the meetings. In an attempt to retrieve some information from the memory hole, I will set out to provide some background on one of the founders of this annual crime-fest and the longtime agenda he endeavored to accomplish.

When Bernhard Leopold Friedrich Eberhard Julius Kurt Karl Gottfried Peter Graf von Biesterfeld got himself married to princess Juliana in 1936, the vast majority of the Dutch were not really surprised. The few who were, can be considered as equivalents of modern-day Glenn Beck- worshipers, willing to eat everything out of anybody’s hand as long as the bite is sweet. It had become quite a tradition with the family Van Orange-Nassau to invite members of German nobility into its ranks. In fact, this tradition dated back to the late middle-ages, when the family had cunningly nestled itself into powerful Prussian bloodlines: a union from which both parties would profit immensely in the centuries to come: the former had gained access to all kinds of trading privileges through membership of the German Hanseatic League (a medieval trade organization, considered by historians to be a sort of rudimentary European Union), while the latter seized control of the river Rhine as it flowed into the Netherlands and more westward, into the north sea. As a result the Germans continued to tighten their grip on the fragile Dutch Republic and practiced the problem-reaction-solution ‘game’ with zest to undermine its success. Completely in line with this age-old tradition, just like in the old days, the marriage of Juliana and Bernhard was arranged to push the Teutonic agenda further out into the West.

Read the Rest of the Story

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