Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Corexit is Killing the Gulf
J. Speer-Williams
June 7, 2010

Let us set aside the possibility of provable intent or gross criminal negligence of governmental regulators and oil company executives causing or allowing the worse humanly caused catastrophe in world history.

Now, let us focus on the greater and utterly provable crimes committed by US regulators and BP (British Petroleum) executives immediately following the blow-out of the Gulf of Mexico oil well.

Please read the following seven paragraphs slowly and carefully to completely understand the enormity of these crimes.

BP, with governmental approval, was so quick to dump hundreds of thousand of gallons of their toxic chemical dispersant, Corexit 9500, at their undersea wellhead and on surface waters that they must have expected a blow out.

BP executives and governmental regulators had to have known just how deadly their dispersant Corexit would turn the Gulf waters, by creating monstrously large, oily, rushing underwater plumes.

These plumes are hundreds of square miles of poisonous, oily micro-particles that go unseen by satellites, cameras, and the naked eyes of the world. They kill all life in their path at 3,000 feet below sea level.

This is death to all life within the fragile Gulf Coast ecosystems that are impacted by these Corexit plumes. Plant, animal, and marine life will die as these oily, Corexit plumes slip their broken oily gunk well under protective booms.

This is death that can never be cleaned up from beneath the sea or from shorelines, without creating greater problems.

What kind of psychopaths would even manufacture something like Corexit, much less put a million gallons of it into our waters?

These sub-humans who have ascended to such power are obviously well behind the human race in the spiritual aspects of their evolutionary development.

Read the Rest of the Story

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