Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Unites States: Empire or Republic?
Is George W. Bush: sane or insane?

Today’s topic has nothing to do with the above questions. I just thought I would start today’s writing with rhetorical questions. I have recently been hearing about the United States having been a Christian nation at her founding. I think the answer is negative. The Constitution is a secular document. The Founding Fathers were deists who created a nation using the Mason religion guide in forming our nation. I suggest reading Gary North’s book Political Polytheism for a better understanding.

Who are the authors worth reading in today’s knowledge default revolution? I would suggest the following columnists:
Gary North
Lew Rockwell – www.lewrockwell.com
Paul Craig Roberts
Pat Buchanan

Why these men?
The future of the United States is at stake. What this country needs are not a bunch of yes-men to a Republican president but honest men who speak the truth. Truth is not something heard these days. I cringe when I listen to both the Democrats and Republicans who have sold their souls for power. The Republican commentators on TV and radio have sold their soul for power and money. The Conservative movement died in November. The death certificate says complacency – soul sold to powerbrokers.

The saying says you can’t cheat an honest man. Meaning no man is honest. The Conservative movement became willing followers of the powerbrokers. The sign says, “Soul sold for thirty pieces of silver without a fight.”

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

What is the chief goal of unbelieving man? Self-worship.

In the Old Testament the scriptures talk about the heart being wicked and deceitful. How does that translate into modern America? I find this interesting being I lean toward Calvinism. I think the meaning is very clear. Toward God the heart is wicked and deceitful. Unbelieving man hates God and His Son Jesus Christ. Why? The fallen nature of man directs him toward worshipping himself instead of the Creator. Mankind develops religion and philosophies that make man the center of his universe. Even the religion of evolution makes man the center because man becomes the developer of the next step of evolution.

If the human heart is wicked how does it play out toward others? Man will always place his own interests above another. The examples I like to use are sales people. Talk with any sales person and you will quickly discover that he/she will only talk to you if it is in his own self-interest.

What about children? Or people risking their lives to save stranger and family members. Descartes talked about knowledge being a priori meaning before experience. Man is born with the knowledge of the Creator. This knowledge causes men to develop codes of conduct to govern themselves. This knowledge causes men to develop false religion to better understand the created world. This knowledge causes men to love his friend and neighbor who are in trouble. The knowledge of God is in every man, please search and discover the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Theology the leading cause of Hell for religious people. I have been reading a wonderful little book by Kenneth E. Hagin called “Jesus the Open Door.” In it he talks about the reality of Hell, a hell that has fire and gnashing of teeth for all eternity. I realize religion has created a world were hell no longer exists but it still does. It is a place that I have thought about recently. I have family who don’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior. This concerns me. Catholics believe in a make believe place called Purgatory. This is a religious way of escape for living a life without Jesus. Liberal religious theology just denies everything making the Bible a myth.

Why does religion seek to destroy the teachings of the Bible? Religion seeks to avoid final judgment and an eternity in a lake of fire. As Isaiah 66: 23b-24 says:

“’All mankind will come to bow down before Me,’ says the LORD. ‘Then they will go forth and look on the corpses of the men who have transgressed against Me. For their worm will not die and their fire will not be quenched; and they will be an abhorrence to all mankind.’”

As I look upon (I visualize this seen) and think about this topic I become tearful realizing that life is so short and eternity so long that I want to pray for my love ones that Jesus would fill their hearts and souls. I am still trying to overcome the fact of personally witnessing to each one. Why is it so difficult?

As much as I enjoy a walk through the hell of Dante’s Inferno, the reality is that hell is eternal torment not to be joked about.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

The End of Television News

I have concluded after spending a year of watching Fox News as my primary TV news outlet that television news is no longer worth watching. I am not just picking Fox because I also watch CNN and MSNBC. The news has degenerated down to nothing but an opening news piece followed by debate. The debate consists of at least one person who supports a position and another person who opposes. So far so good? NO!!!

As a believer in Jesus Christ why would I subject myself to antichristian bigotry by secularist who, like Ayn Rand, hates Father God. Today there is a war being fought within the borders of the United States. That war is between secularists who hate God and Christians. I believe Christians are beginning to understand this but very slowly. The secularists hatred for Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" is a good example. The reason this movie was so disliked by the secularist is because of their hatred for Father God and anything related to Him. Christians are to confine themselves to their churches and out of the public square.

How does this relate to TV News? Secularism reigns within the confines of CNN and MSNBC. The producers of these TV shows hate Father God. On Fox, because of equal time, we are exposed to those who hate Father God. Why should a believer subject his/her spirit to secularism. I heard Bill Maher hold up secular Europe as the high culture over religion. I laughed when I heard him. Secular Europe is a dying people being replaced by a false religious people of Isalm.