Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

The Con Continues:
I see that the church as not yet cleaned up its act. I saw a minister who had a large ministry in the 80's back on the air. Nothing has changed, the con continues. The Church has ignored its responsiblity to keep a clean house. I am not talking about addictions but the greed that has taken control of the church.

I am currently reading a book by John R. Rice called Prayer: Asking and Receiving. This book was written back in the early 40's. Every Christian alive should take the time and read this book. It answers the simple questions about what prayer is and how to get things from God. Why? Because God is a God of answering prayers.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I started reading a new book today, Natural Brilliance by Paul Scheele. It is about overcoming those habits that block our progress to success. I have decided that a study in this area would be beneficial to myself self growth goals. There are two things that I have learned that I have decided to use. The first is to live a life of constant personal improvement. Never stop growing and improving yourself. The second is one definition of insanity is thinking to you continue to to do the same thing and get different results. Change Your Thinking and you will Change Your Life.

Too many people are content to live there life the same old way. I will walk into a bar and the people never change. Just waiting for retirement. The pension - a waste of a valuable life.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

The Power of Myth

I define myth as those false core beliefs a person possess' that shape their lives. What is a false belief? Anything taught or believed that says a person must do something to earn right standing with God. According to Romans 5:17 righteousness is a gift. We do not earn a gift. A gift is given by one to another with nothing in exchange. These myths keep people in bondage when Christ came to set each of us free.

What determines these false beliefs:
1) Church
2) Family
3) World
Each of these help continue the lie that right standing with God needs to be earned. How do we change to accepting the truth that right standing with God is a gift?
1) Read the Word - focus on Paul's epistles.
2) Find a fellowship that teaches the truth not error.
3) Be careful of the words you speak - for death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

I find that as I look upon the landscape of America I see a culture war that is going to destroy this nation. Barring an act of God I think the barrier will become larger and force the future of this nation to revolution. Will there be blood in the streets? Will the future be French or American Revolution? I believe that French is the way it will end. The next question is who will be our Napoleon? A few will terrorize the masses. A few will bring blood to the streets of this once great nation. A nation founded on principles of Masonry. If you doubt it carefully read the Constitution. It is not a Christian document.

Prepare yourself!!