Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Monday, February 22, 2010

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

“Money frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike doing nearly everything, money is handy.”

Groucho Marx
Want to Start Making Money From ETR Right Away? Introducing the ETR Affiliate Marketing Program

By Michael Masterson

Here’s how you can convert your ETR subscription into a second income… beginning immediately.

I got this idea from Tim, an ETR reader who had this to say about ETR products:

“ETR offers excellent products. But if you’re looking for immediate supplemental income, then ordering a program from ETR may not be the way to go. For the long term: Order a program, learn a new skill so you won’t ever be in a pinch again.

“On that note, there are lots of good opportunities. But without knowing the individual’s passions, strengths, and goals, it would be next to impossible to direct her to one particular business. Instead, I’ll point you to the network marketing industry: Do your due diligence.

Find a company you feel comfortable with that offers a consumable product or service, has a rewarding compensation plan, and then plug into the folks who are making the income you want. You’ll be amazed to find that there are literally tens of thousands of individuals who earn an extra $500 – $1,000 a month through network marketing. More is available to those who want it.”

Tim makes a good point about the programs we sell. Most of them are, indeed, based on learning a valuable skill. And, generally speaking, it takes about 600 to 1,000 hours to complete them.

Even at a full-time, 50-hour-a-week pace, that’s 12 to 20 weeks. Working part-time, it usually takes six months.

Some of the people who buy our programs work faster than that. But if you want to begin earning cash immediately – like within one week or so – you need to have something to sell. Network marketing gives you that. The most successful network marketing companies provide their members with all sorts of products – everything from diet pills to laundry detergent.

I favor direct marketing over network marketing for six main reasons:

* Direct marketing has a wider potential.

* Direct marketing doesn’t require person-to-person selling.

* You can sell whatever you want through direct marketing.

* You are in charge of your business.

* You don’t have to follow anyone else’s rules.

* You can work at your own pace. No one is pressuring you.

I’m not denying that network marketing can work. It has worked very well for thousands. And it’s made a few people – generally the people on top – very wealthy. I’m just saying that direct marketing has the advantages of network marketing, as well as the six I listed above.

And with direct marketing, you can begin to make money immediately.

Tim’s comment made me think: What can we offer ETR readers that will give them a chance to make money immediately? As in right away!

I batted around a few ideas with MaryEllen and Charlie. Then it hit us. The best possible way for us to help you make good money immediately, to create a second stream of income and – at the same time – develop skills (direct-marketing skills, copywriting skills, selling skills, etc.) that will help you get wealthy in the long term, is to give you a chance to sell ETR’s products.

In our industry, this is called an “affiliate marketing program.”

The idea is simple. You sign up with us to become an official, sanctioned distributor of ETR products. You begin promoting them immediately. You use sales copy and other advertising materials that we’ve tested ourselves – materials that have already been proven to work (banner ads, text ads, e-mails, newsletter ads – you name it!), and you offer your affiliate partners the bonuses and privileges that we offer.

You are on the same playing field as we are, with all of the same resources. Only you are promoting to people who have a synergistic relationship with our products – people in the same industry with similar wants and needs as the average ETR reader.

Although ETR’s affiliate program is launching online, in the future you’ll be able to sell ETR products by phone, in person, and in the mail.

You’ll be able to place space ads, personal ads, classifieds, whatever. There are so many proven ways to stimulate sales of success-oriented products. You won’t be short of opportunities.

Let’s take a walk through the process – how I imagine it would be from your perspective.

Say you own our Magic Button program. You are making a steady second income and are very happy with the quality of the program. You decide you’d like to create yet another stream of income for yourself by selling the Magic Button program, so you register as an ETR affiliate.

To do so, you visit our affiliate website at www.etraffiliates.com. You review the many benefits of our program – including proven advertising materials, quality products, competitive commissions (15 percent), real-time reporting, and a helpful resource center for new affiliate marketers. Then, you simply read our FAQs and Terms and Conditions, accept our terms, and fill in our online sign-up form.

It’s that easy. It’s free to sign up. Even better, we’ll give you a $20 bonus just for joining! Once you’re accepted into the program, you’ll have access to our reporting dashboard, where you can track your affiliate sales as well as access a library of all the sales copy you’ll need to help promote our products. (Remember, this sales copy has been PROVEN to work. We’re giving you our best stuff – the “controls” that have brought us sales time and time again.)

You can market our products using any method you are comfortable with – via your own e-newsletter… by placing text ads in other industry e-newsletters… by setting up banner ads on highly trafficked websites… and so on. That way, you can put your own experience to work for you. Plus, you can easily branch out into marketing channels you want to explore.

The ETR affiliate program is launching as a transaction-based program. That simply means we’re paying our affiliates commissions based on sales (products sold), not leads.

We think this model is more beneficial for both the affiliate and ETR, as a buyer is more qualified than a lead. And that, of course, plays into the overall lifetime value of a customer.

It doesn’t take much of a time commitment on your part to start generating an ancillary revenue stream with our trusted products.

Let’s say you are willing to spend 45 minutes a day, six days a week. That’s four hours a week, 16 hours a month.

What could you do in 16 hours?

Let’s see. Reading all the material and getting everything ready might take about five or six hours. Putting together a list of potential marketing opportunities – a list of, say, 100 possible buyers… or 10 websites where you could post banner ads… or keywords to use with Google AdWords – would take another hour or two. Then you basically set up our sales-making ad copy and start promoting. The rest is up to us – fulfilling the product, handling customer service, following up on orders, etc.

How would this work, money-wise?

You’ll get a 15 percent commission on first-tier affiliate sales (through your own website or the website of an affiliate partner). You’ll also get a 2 percent commission on second-tier affiliate sales (through deals you make with outside websites to promote ETR products and then refer sales to you).

Let me give you an idea of what this means in “real” dollars.

Sell just one of our Magic Button programs, and you get $74.55. Sell 100 – which is a very realistic possibility – and that’s $7,455 in your pocket.

For just an hour or so of “work.”

Devote a few more hours to finding new prospects to promote to, and you could see that number soar.

Remember, too, that the Magic Button is only one of the bestselling programs that you can promote as an ETR affiliate.

Now, more than ever, you need to start bringing in extra income. The ETR Affiliate Marketing Program is a great way to do it.

To get more information on how you can start making money from ETR right away, visit www.etraffiliates.com. Remember, it’s free to join – and we’re even offering a special $20 bonus if you sign up today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?

Can someone help me find it?

Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
