Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Random Thoughts

I've been thinking about the changing face of radio in this nation. Tommy Mischke was a guy on the radio who was fired because of an FCC violation. If you are unaware the FCC is a neo-Nazi group commissioned by Congress to terrorize the airwaves. MIschke is attempting to use the internet as a new form of media. Citypages.com has given him a web based radio show he will host everyday in the Twin Cities. I am very interested in listening and watching to see what happens. I have been using the internet for listening to music (pandora.com) and podcasting, along with youtube.com.

I want to see if a talk show can make it as a commercial venture online. I hope Tommy succeeds.

What can the Palestinians do to achieve freedom from Israel? I think they need to take a look at Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. The idea of non-violent protest and marches. You play into the hands of Israel by using limited violence. Break down the fence surrounding Gaza and walk back to your homes. Do not raise arms against your guards.

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