Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Reason I Left

Once upon a time there was this group of people who would meet. This group was lead by a self-professed “anointed” leader. The leader taught this class every week and talked about spiritual things. The beginning of the group was filled with many people but over time the group became smaller and smaller. Why? You see the leader would decide that people needed to be cleansed from the group so he would drive these people out. Being one of immaturity the “leader” would throw a temper tantrum and give the person the “cold shoulder.” For those not familiar with the cold shoulder it is ignoring a person to punish that person. Over the years the leader would treat people in this manner.

There joined to this group a young man who lacked knowledge of spiritual things and for many years this young man continued in this group. At times the man would disagree with the leader but mostly kept it to himself because he desired the friendship of the leader. On those rare occasion when the man talked about the disagreements with the leader the cold shoulder method of punishment was handed down. So this taught the man to keep things to himself even when he thought the leader was just plain wrong.

Well one day it happened, the man (after many years of bondage) was talking to the leader who was bloviating about something he had heard. The man went home and got to thinking about what the leader had said. The man foolishly decided to send his thoughts to the leader. The thoughts had helped the man in the past so he foolishly thought the leader would want to discuss these thoughts with him.

The man, who had learned much about freedom in Christ and is learning the love of Father, once again experienced the temper tantrum of anger, from the stand, and the cold shoulder of this leader. Why would this leader or any leader do this? Insecurity. Immaturity. The man had mistakenly written the note with the hope of starting a conversation with the leader. Foolish man he had not learned yet that self appointed religious leaders don’t care what you think even if you golf with him. The leader is only in love with himself and his self appointed “anointing.”

The man decided it was time to leave the group. What was different this time with the man? In times past the man would have kept quite until it blew over. Suffering under the leader's self appointed “anointing” and the cold shoulder of punishment. The change was the man had discovered that God loves him and desires an intimate relationship with him and that Father does not give “leadership” permission to treat his children in any way but love.

Let it be said the man does not hate this leader but still loves him and in many ways feels sorry for this leader for the leader judges people based upon them accepting his self appointed "anointing" and self created religious system.

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