Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Fool Lofton Has Spoken

I received a message from the Pharisee John Lofton today. What an honor. His primacy of Law instead of Grace continues. When I hear fools such as Lofton speak I understand why people are leaving the church in droves. There is no love in his message only arrogance. Such sadness that he had taken the teaching of Jesus Christ and produced such hatred. Lofton talks about idle words but he is the king of idle words. For the message of Jesus Christ was to reveal a Father to us who loves us dearly. A Father who wants to have a intimate relationship with us. There is nothing in those idle words Lofton speaks. No wonder this nation is dying. We don't have discussions with people but point the finger in the face and then hate.

When I was young I read these fools, teachers who had the appearance of godliness but deny the power thereof. I allowed myself to be trapped by religion instead of getting to know the God who Loves me. God is Love and He wants to reveal His Love to us daily not by a bag of rules but through the person of Jesus Christ. What amazed me that Lofton doesn't even attempt to Love people. But I understand for when I was a Pharisee I couldn't Love people either.

1 comment:

John Lofton, Recovering Republican said...

You're still refuting nothing I said. Just more name-calling. Pathetic.