Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

“The conviction of the Holy Spirit always comes packaged in the comfort of God’s love and acceptance, the hope that you can and will change and the power to make it happen.”
Gary Kinnaman
Experiencing the Power of the Cross

I have heard Neal Anderson talk about the walk a believer has with the gentle Jesus. As Joyce Meyer says “I’m not where I need to be, but thank God I’m not where I used to be, I’m ok and I’m on my way.

The Christian walk is a process that begins the day we come to Christ. No one is perfect when he is brought into the Kingdom. The Church makes people attempt perfection so people are not allowed to grow but must put on the “smiling” face whenever he/she is around other believers. I attended an Assembly of God church for several years and the whole time I was under self imposed condemnation because I was not perfect. The process will continue through out the life of the believer never reaching perfection in this life.

Rom 5:10
For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. NKJ

More to come…

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I read that Empires do what empires do. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, bread and circuses, etc. But what do Republics do? What was life like for American's back before the visions of Empire started dancing through Teddy Roosevelt's fat head. I realize the beginning of empire started long before TR but he made it fashionable to attack poor and weak nations. I realize some might say the Spanish-American War was probably the best starting point. I agree. But, Woodrow Wilson made it American foreign policy. Throughout the 20th century America has sent soldiers into poor nations so business would be protected. What has been the result? Empire.

An Empire has a calling. Empires do what empires do. Continual was must be fought. This Empire is different than past because ours is built on debt. Dependence upon the kindness of strangers is no way for a nation to exist. The media plays to game so they continue to get stories to tell from the Empire personnel. All empires die, so this Empire will also go the way of all empires.

Monday, August 08, 2005

In regard to Pat Buchanan’s column “What are the Darwinists afraid of?” I would like to point out a few things. I consider Pat Buchanan one of only a handful of columnists worth reading anymore. I am a believer in Intelligent Design. Looking at the universe God created leaves no doubt in my mind that evolution is a farce created by unbelievers as a way to avoid Final Judgment, if God does not exist then how can a final judgment exist. The debate about origins is the most important debate that exists. For if God does not exist than anything is permissible, holds true. The basic foundation of the culture war rests upon this one subject. If man is created in the image of God than life has meaning thus to destroy life is immoral. But if man is descendant from lower life forms than life has no meaning. Without God than life is existentialist meaninglessness. But if God exists than everyday has meaning. Life has meaning.

The question is "Why in a nation that is supposedly a majority Christian is this debate raging?" What happened to cause the cultural withdrawal of Christians to occur? I believe two things happened to cause this withdrawal. The first was the rise of eschatological defeatism, i.e. premillianialism with the idea of a pre-tribulation rapture. The attitude of defeatism was created. The second was the Scopes Monkey Trial. An external defeat of an internal defeatism.
Legalism, liberalism and religion. I could also toss in penance. All false beliefs created by man to keep men in bondage. Why? In Christ has occurred the divine exchange. Christ took our Sin Nature and gave us His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21). Bondage with the gift we receive from our father Adam. Through the First Adam sin (Sin Nature) entered the world and death through the Sin Nature. Freedom is a gift we received in Christ. Outside of Christ is nothing but bondage though the world may think it's freedom but each one is trapped in sin. Walking dead men or non-life. The Law of Biogenisis states that only life can produce life, thus non-life cannot produce life. In the same way we have The Law of Spiritual Biogenisis. Only Life can produce life. Only Christ who is Eternal Life can produce life. Thus when we died with Christ the life we now have is Christ's life living within. Our non-life has been replaced by Christ's eternal life.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I have been thinking about the 3 Billion New Capitalist that the United States is currently facing. China, India, Thailand, Malaysia, etc. Think about the potential that these people have. Then you have Japan. Basket case Japan, A nation that is so rigid that new ventures are terribly hard to get moving. A rigid self imposed system of mass control. Then you have the United States, an dying Empire growing deeper into debt everyday and is dependent upon the kindness of strangers to allow it to continue. We fight foreign wars created by deceptive means without asking what is our mission, oh wait wasn't it because of WMD's, no wait isn't it to create democracies. Deception has cost the lives of 1,800 soldiers and how many hundreds of billions of dollars. Have you thought about the chief proponents of our foreign wars. Usually people who have never encountered warfare first hand. Easier to send people to die if you yourself is a coward.

Friday, August 05, 2005

I have been thinking what is worth reading. I read several e-letters weekly. I read the Daily Reckoning. It is old fashion in its approach. How do you achieve prosperity? Save don't spend, invest don't speculate, avoid consumer debt, etc. It reminds me of The Richest Man in Babylon approach to finances. Another one I read is Gary North's Reality Check. North has been around many years. I first discovered him through his non-profit Institute of Christian Economics. He was writing a series of commentaries on the Bible from an economic stand point. He was also considered a cofounder of the Christian Reconstructionist movement. I considered myself part of it until I met the offspring it produced. I have never seen such hate filled people within the Church before. No love or mercy toward outsiders. If you disagreed you were a heretic and start the executions asap. I have since turned my back on the movement. I continue to read North's economic writings. Insightful but always leaning toward gloom and doom. Nothing has changed since I first read him 20 years ago. We continues to say the same things. .

An interesting website worth checking out is lewrockwell.com. Lew is a libertarian in the Murray Rothbard strain. In my opinion the best strain of libertarianism. Avoid the nutcase Randians, greedy and hating people. Check out Lew's website to get another perspective on the world. Pat Bucahan, the only remaining Conservative in America, has a website theamericancause.org. His magazine he help found The American Conservative is the only conservative publication worth reading. The Conservative movement lacks intelligence and independence. It has been absord by the GOP. When a movement is represent by windbags like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh a movement is dead.

Monday, August 01, 2005

The debate going on about the Iraq stupidity is a debate that should be fought but what about the larger issue. The tenacles of Empire that U.S. politicans dream about in their sleep. Since the end of WW II the Empire has spent hundreds of billions ot dollars potecting the world from itself. What has been the return on our investment? The death of how many American men and women. A total debt burden of how many trillions of dollars. Debt that will never be repaid. The borrower is servant to the lender. We as a nation have become servants to nations like China and Japan. Government debt does not promoted long term growth within an economy but slows growth as the savings are used to promoted government growth instead of economic growth. Savings is the key to long term growth.

What keeps people from saving? Government taxation and consumerism has destroyed savings in this nation. People are cashing in their 401k's to pay off debt, creating a future crisis when retirement comes along. I have learned many years ago that the best way to save is by taking the money out before I see it. The reason the 401k is such a great idea is because you never see the money. The problem with the 401k is that people are not trained in investing. Everyone is a genius in a bull market. Very few people are genius in flat markets. The problem I have with most investment books is that they are based on the premise that you can get unrealistic returns for long periods of time. Usually when people get unrealistic returns on investments the bubble will usually bursts causing wailing and nashing of teeth.

So what is the long term solution to the Empire's problems. First, bring the troops home. Stop being the protector of the world. The world doesn't want your protection. Begin to dismantle the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about. Second, eliminate the income tax and replace it with sales tax on all finsihed goods. This would encourage savings instead of spending. No nation can maintain and grow an economy based on consumerism. Savings allows a nation to build it's industrial base by investing the money into research and development of new equipment and products for export. Third, begin the dismantling of the welfare state of all kinds. A nation on welfare is a nation enslaved.