Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Look In The Damned Mirror America!
By Karl Schwarz

Hello Jeff,

I looked at a link on your website titled "Why are some Americans so Shockingly Cruel?" The article was originally posted on VeteransToday.com, not exactly a site in tune with what is so shockingly cruel about America and its foreign policies.

I hoped that maybe the veterans would address the sins of America since 9-11-2001 because it as a nation has defined what shockingly cruel means.

Have you ever watched the movie 'My name is Khan'? If not, watch it. I was ashamed to call myself American after I watched it September 16.

That VeteransToday article focused on why so many Americans do not have health insurance but that is no cruelty at all compared to what America has done to peoples of other lands. That any American can think that no health insurance is 'shockingly cruel' while Americans blink idly and think that it is just OKAY and things are just hunky-damned-dory in La-La Land USofA while millions have been maimed and slaughtered on the basis of lies is truly incredible and shocking.

Is it so much worse to not have health insurance in La-La-USA while millions have been slaughtered or maimed based on lies but it happened far out of their sight? It was not their family, so that makes it all OK?

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