Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


As I have watched the events unfold within Israel over the past two weeks I have observed a few things. First, MSNBC is the most biased news channel in all of TV. I will never watch that channel again. Second, Joe Scarborough maybe the biggest idiot on all of TV. Third, the comparison of Canada firing missles into the United States does not work.

Palestine is the homeland of the people of Gaza. These human beings, that recognition is for Idiot Joe, have been fenced into nothing more than Israel's version of the Warsaw Ghetto. If during WWII missiles had been launched form the Warsaw Ghetto against the Germans than you would have a comparison. Fourth, I realize that Christians inside the US do not consider the Palestinians people but I wish they would try. The false teachers that fill the airwaves and the mega churches have defiled the landscape.

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