Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Robin Hood Case

1. What recommendations would you make to Robin Hood to help him out?

Robin Hood's main issue is how to continue the fight against the Sheriff of Nottingham while also growing his band of Merrymen in a sustainable way.

I would recommend to Robin that he breaks up his band into smaller groups of men and separate them throughout Nottingham. This would allow a better chance of robing those rich who are now avoiding Sherwood Forest due to increasing crime. Second, Robin would need to use Will Scarlett's intelligence forces to create a communications network within Nottingham. Third, also by combining men from both Scarlett's intelligence and Little John's archery a special team should be created with the sole purpose of infiltrating or eliminating Prince John's spy network.

2. How should he implement your recommendations?
In order to form these smaller groups men who has shown leadership skills would need to brought forward and assign to lead these groups. Each group would be assigned a particular area within Nottingham to setup camp. Once established reports could be sent back to Main Camp with each areas activity. This would also allow the problem of food to become less of an issue as Sherwood Forest would have fewer people to feed.

I would create go after Prince John's spies as in the end he is the one person who could crush this uprising because he would have the forces necessary to accomplish it. Robin must always know what John is up to.

3. Why do you make the recommendations you do?

Robin Hood is attempting to keep his every growing band of Merrymen under his leadership by using a centralized approach. He has become the symbol of the fight. If something were to happen to him, such as death, the group would become a band of misfits. By separating into smaller groups it allows each group to operate with independence of Robin. The fight against the Sheriff of Nottingham sould become the reason for the fight.

Friday, January 23, 2009

South St Paul City Council

I was once again putting myself through purgatory by watching the South St Paul, MN city council. It is a group of lowest common busy bodies. There is one councilman named Seaberg. You can always recognize him by his arrogance. What a weasel who is arrogant and the reason this country is over. He and the city council has decided that private property is no longer private. People can't use their property the way they deem fit. But it will be decided by bureaucrats and busybodies. We have lost the value of private property in this nation. We are no longer free in this country. People like Seaberg is an example of what is wrong with America.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Taki's "The Israel Lobby Takes off the Gloves" is worth reading at:

Friday, January 09, 2009

Quotes from Gary North

Gary North had two wonderful quotes worth thinking about:

Men believe that they can make the world better, make people more honest, and extend goodness and light by passing a law.
Democracy is a system of government in which the voters get what they want, and they get it good and hard.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Taki on Israel

I highly recommend this short article by Taki:

Israel: The Bernie Madoff of Countries

If you are interested in learning the truth about what is happening in Palestine I suggest:
If Americans Knew

Wake up America, you are being mislead by the leaders in this country.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


As I have watched the events unfold within Israel over the past two weeks I have observed a few things. First, MSNBC is the most biased news channel in all of TV. I will never watch that channel again. Second, Joe Scarborough maybe the biggest idiot on all of TV. Third, the comparison of Canada firing missles into the United States does not work.

Palestine is the homeland of the people of Gaza. These human beings, that recognition is for Idiot Joe, have been fenced into nothing more than Israel's version of the Warsaw Ghetto. If during WWII missiles had been launched form the Warsaw Ghetto against the Germans than you would have a comparison. Fourth, I realize that Christians inside the US do not consider the Palestinians people but I wish they would try. The false teachers that fill the airwaves and the mega churches have defiled the landscape.