Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Storehouse Principle

Recently I have been struck by the Biblical concept of the Storehouse. In the Old Testament the LORD continually promises to fill our storehouses and barns to overflowing. Proverbs says our barns will be overflowing and our presses with burst forth with new wine. What is the key concept laid out here? Stewardship is required to achieve this promise. It first requires giving to the LORD. I think the Father accepts you to tithe to what is important to you. So it you go to church or give to the poor the LORD still blesses this. This is also a New Testament teaching. The great Apostle taught that if you sow bountifully you would reap bountifully. In studying the concept of the tithe I have learned that both believers and unbelievers teach this as a way to blessing. The second step is building the storehouse or barn. I find that the secular word teaches this concept much better than the church. In George Mason's book, The Richest Man in Babylon the foundation principle taught is that "a part of all you earn is yours to keep". This idea has been borrowed by many within the financial communtiy as the starting point in achieving financial freedom. These two ideas make up the Storehouse Principle. Begin small and watch Father make the blessings grow. If you suffer under the burden of debt might I suggest picking up a book by Dave Ramsey called, Total Money Makeover.

Friday, December 30, 2005

How does Religion defile Christ's Teaching?

A song came to mind today about welcoming the Holy Spirit into our worship service. I thought about how this is a religious song not based on the Bible but man made. The Holy Spirit dwells within each believer so He is always with us. What religion has done to Christianity. I heard that a new mega church was being added every two days, a mega church is defined as having over 2,000 members. 2,000 seems like a small number. I gave up on the church 15 years ago and I have been happy with that decision. No politics. No religious piety. I can be myself. Something I was never able to be when I was a church member. I was raised Baptist and chose the Assemblies of God as my personal torment center. Trying to live the life that was preached was trouble from day one. I lived with a tormented soul trying to be obedient. I never realized that the goal of the Christ Life was was to be loved by the Father. To be brought into the relationship of the Triune God. I have been learning that I have died in Christ thus I am raised in Christ. I want to experience true itimacy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is my heart's desire. Nothing else can satisfy the longing of the soul.