Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Recently the Bravo channel has been running a series called The TV Revolution. The series shows the power of television like nothing I have seen. Without TV gay marriage would not be an issue in this country. Like satan himself TV uses deceptive practices to slow change the thinking of Americans.

What I have found to be so interesting is conservatives attitude about the culture war. All around us the culture is adopting leftist attitudes about homosexuality, abortion, sex, etc and the right has no clue about what to do. G.W. mouths the right words but nothing is done. Conservatives are dumbfounded when liberals battle over every judge appointment. Read Pat Buchanan's book The Death of the West to see why this is happening. Also, look back to a time when Christ meant something in our land. Study Jonathon Edwards and other Puritans. Find out what true love was.

I am presently reading a book called The Godward Gaze by Steve McVey. His goal is to get believers to fall in love with our God, as He loves us.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

I have discovered that the way to God is Jesus Christ. It is all based upon the work of Jesus Christ. Nothing I can do can put me into right standing with God. I am righteous because of Jesus. If I try to work to achieve right standing with God then I have failed. Grace is God's answer for man's fallen nature. Out of the two (fallen and divine) one new man = a new creation in Christ Jesus.

All Christians are equal heirs in Christ Jesus. What is our guarantee of our inheritance, the promised Holy Spirit. He leads believers into want our inheritance in Christ is. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, by becoming a curse for us. What are we redeemed from to = spiritual death to life (abundant life), sickness to health, poverty to prosperity.

We as believers must claim the inheritance we possess.