Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Sunday, February 07, 2010


For many years I was a member of the Charismatic renewal and the remaining game for many years. Today I was thinking about why did the movement die away or revert into the Napoleon Hill Gospel we have today. It was the fact that the movement never taught the people a Foundation. Lutheran churches teach the young using the shorter catechism. The Charismatic movement was always based upon experience and lacked the teachers to communicate the foundation. The leaders of the movement were intent on building themselves up. After leaving a Charismatic meeting a person was on a high but that only lasted until the morning. For any movement to continue beyond a few years a Foundation has to be laid, for lack of a better term theology needs to be taught. What do we believe and why do we believe are essential to the future of any movement. Many evangelical churches today are suffering from a lack to laying a Foundation as children leave these churches in droves.

There was a reason the early Church gave us the Nicene Creed and so many more. It was to re enforce people's faith. The Reformers created the Confessions and Creeds that has helped continue the faith but we in this generation has decided these great statement of the faith are meaningless. How sad, had the Charismatic movement taken the time to establish a short catechism and confession it may still be moving forward.

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