Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Outsourcing at Home

The trend has to outsource to India has begun to slow. Companies have begun to outsource at home according to Business Week. The reason is increasing wages and the falling dollar. Also, the fear exists that wages in India will be on par with America within 5-10 years so companies have begun looking for low cost centers within the United States (i.e. Boise, ID or Fargo, ND). One problem these companies are experiencing is our lack of experienced highly skilled IT people. As an example AT&T decided to open a call center back in the US from India but had trouble finding qualified people to handle the jobs so AT&T started a training program.

I hear people in the United States complain about sending jobs to India or China but at the same time I see little effort being made on the home front to reverse this trend. If America wants to compete than the desire must be there. I just don’t see it anymore.

King, Rachel. (April 7, 2008). Outsourcing at Home, Business Week


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