Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sometimes a picture does say it all!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jamie Dimon's Little Shop of Horrors! Max Keiser Reports

The internet is going to be censored. The internet will be monitor like never before. Just think the KGB under the old Soviet Union could not have dreamed up a better way to collect information on people then through Facebook. Not only do we willing tell the world our life stories but we spy on our friends and family. We post videos of our friends and family. We post pictures that can be used against us later on. We tell criminals when we are on vacation. Why?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

This picture says it all about 9/11.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Food Nazis are coming. If they only understood what causes obesity. Stay away from sugar and grains and starchy vegetables like potatoes. Beware the food police. The Indy Channel 6 posted this story today. Report: 'Fat Tax' Could Curb Nation's Obesity Problem 20 Percent Tax Would Be Placed On Unhealthy Foods INDIANAPOLIS -- Health experts have been trying to combat obesity in America for years and have recently suggested a new way to solve the growing problem. A new study suggests that imposing a fat tax on unhealthy food and drinks could help slim down expanding waistlines. According to British Medical Journal , more than 60 percent of Americans are overweight. Under the tax, a $4 cheeseburger would cost an extra 80 cents, RTV6's Stacia Matthews reported. Some Hoosiers found the proposed fat tax hard to swallow. "I don't think we should tax people and the way they run their lives,” one man said. Others said a fat tax is palatable. "I'd pay 20 percent. It's worth it,” one woman said. "I would eat a lot more healthy just to save more money.” Continue reading
Cool Pic:

Keiser Report: Debt-a-holic Zombies (E289)

Aldo The Bear

Friday, May 18, 2012

Those bastards in Washington are lying to us.

Our Government is lying to us. When will you decide to wake up form the falsehood of the Matrix. We could have high mileage cars if our government would allow us to have them but they won't. Watch this video about cars used in Europe versus what we are allowed to buy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why I returned to Church and an Episcopal Church to Boot

In this day and age it seems to have become the “hip” thing to leave the church. People are making lists of why they have left. Books have been written and there are even ministries whose goal seems to be to destroy the institutional church. Believers today reflect the culture in which they live. And the best description is from the book of Judges, people did what was right in their own eyes. The hedonism that dominates our culture also dominates the people of God. Does this mean the church is guiltless. No, but its does mean that people belong to churches and religious groups to satisfy the need for community. The better term is tribalism.

I had originally left the church because I had listened to too much of the leave the church crowd. Funny how the leader I am thinking about once led a large church using and abusing people. When he lost the church he developed a new gig. So the Lord began to work on me about the importance of weekly church services. He brought teachers into my life to teach me the truth instead of the heresy that is running rampant among Christians. And he lead me to a wonderful liturgical church. So why did return to church.

1. I returned to church because I tend to be a contrarian and the "hip" thing these days is to leave the church.

2. I returned to church because I discovered I was as self righteous and prideful as anyone in the church. As Steve Brown talks about self righteous is in our DNA.

3. I returned to church because I realized I was screwed up so I would fit right in.

4. I returned to church because I had doubts about my faith.

5. I returned to church because I missed the faith community.

6. I returned to church because I discovered how much I enjoyed the liturgy. (Thank you Internet Monk, you are missed).

8. I returned to church because if you can survive church you can survive anywhere.

I returned to church to discover a whole new world within the church.

What do Christians expect from other believers? Are we not all sick and in desperate need of Jesus. Why do we judge Christians differently then we judge unbelievers? So what happens when a group of sick people come together. The Church. As Augustine said, The church is a whore but she's my mother." Why do churches drive people crazy with their dogma? Because the dogma and the way things are done has worked. It has worked for many decades or hundreds of years and that is why it exists. Humans find the tribes that bring them community and value. As people leave the church for whatever reason remember they are seeking a tribe in which they fit. Why are people asking the church to change and conform to their image. It is individuals who desire community that becomes part of church not the other way.