Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Ken Doyle

I think most right thinking people are agreed that physical effects aside, the content of the majority of TV programming today (I emphasise the word programming, a process that involves a passive receptor of information) is designed to instil a social worldview and value system that is self-centric and is in fact the opposite of what a healthy and enduring society requires. Individualism at any cost rules the day and it is more and more evident that empathy for one’s fellow citizen and a sense of personal responsibility are rapidly vanishing along with the morality that all healthy civilisations have known to be necessary for survival. Only recently a car I was travelling in was bumped from behind by a driver who was, I would guess, in his mid to late thirties, looked quite respectable and drove a new and expensive car. Rather than stop and offer his details for the damage done he feigned an apology and when our vehicle pulled off to park safely he took his opportunity to flee the scene, no doubt congratulating himself on avoiding a messy process involving insurance agencies etc. People today are only made to feel guilt when caught and exposed for their crimes. They have no higher authority to fear and the current direction of societal attitudes puts paid to that particular view often espoused that it is possible to remain moral and upstanding without religion or a guiding moral principal if you prefer. The crime figures, road rage and general attitude of fellow citizens would tend to indicate otherwise. I believe TV has much blame to shoulder for this.

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Woodrow Wilson - Pawn of the Jews

THE ZIONIST PLAN TO DOMINATE AMERICAN LIFE was already in motion by the early 1900s.

A central Bank, legislation for an income tax, and American involvement in a world war, were on the Zionist list of “things to do.”

The key Jewish players, -1- Jacob Schiff, head of Kuhn Loeb Bank; -2- Paul Warburg, brother-in-law to Schiff; -3- Bernard Baruch, a leading Wall Street mogul; -4- and Edward Mandell House, (originally “Huis”), who negotiated cotton purchases in the US for the Rothschilds, only needed a pawn in the White House to bring their Zionist plan to fruition.

In 1910, the four Zionist leaders found their man, (a man of compromised morals known as “Peck’s Bad Boy”), in Professor Woodrow Wilson, recently retired as president of Princeton University.

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