Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Monday, September 11, 2006

What I have observed about Bible teachers and ministers over the years is that they really don't know much of the Word og God. What these men and women know is a theology or religious system that masquerades as the Bible. Todays teachers are teaching or defending a system that they have learned or created. When comparing these different systems what is discovered is that each one will defend the system based upon the Bible. The heresy is rampant in the 21st century Church. These systems must manipulate the Word. Walking trying to fulfill the Law is lifeless as a building is lifeless. Abandon the lifeless church and discover the Love Father has for you.

These institutions no longer encourage believers to walk with Father in a loving relationship that can only exist with a Triune God. I hear only a few talking about the indwelling life of Christ that each believer has within. Historically the church buildings are the sign of death. I recently heard that millions of beleivers are abandoning the buildings for the relationship with Father. This is only a bad thing to the power pastors that exist within the walls.

The goal of all these religious systems created by man is twofold. The first is power over people. The Power religion is best represented by Pharoah in Exodus. The other thing these systems seek is money. Look at the fame and fortune that has been created by these ministries. Each believer should discover the value of the storehouse principle but not at the expense of manipulating other believers.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Last year I was golfing with my pastor. He was telling me about some Bible teaching he was learning from Charles Capps about the inner man. I made a comment about I wasn't convinced about the teaching. What I got in return was the silent treatment. The teaching is Christianized Napoleon Hill teaching. Subconscious mind stuff using the inner man(spirit) instead of the mind.

I have pretty much given a cold shoulder to this teaching and I hope he never asks what I think about it. This little fellowship I have been a part of for about 16 years. I am ready for it to end. I have grown tired of the b.s. that is associated with it. I wish the group would end.

What I wonder is, is the cold shoulder I got last year causing me to reject this teaching as just some stupid heresy that has been floating around the church since the heretic EW Kenyon came on the seen in the mid-20th century.

I have been learning about the indwelling life of Christ so my excitement is based upon the living Christ not what can I get out of Father. The self centered gospel that I hear today is sad. I want to experience a relationship with the Triune God and everyone else just want more junk to toss when they die.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Historically the worldwide wage rates have been equal throughout the
earth. The only reason it changed over the last two centuries was the
industrial revolution. The problem today is the industrial/information
revoultion has come to China and India. The end result will be towfold,
real wages will decrease in the West caused by lower wages in the East.
Second, production will always seek out the lowest cost producer
including R&D. Wal Mart has said this year they will start bypassing the
US middlemen and buy directly from Chinese producers. Good bye front
companies. China is willing to give companies 20 years tax free to build
a factory. Just to stay even the US (DC idiots) must also. As for
protecting shipping lanes. Historically people have always been willing
to take the risk in order to get foreign goods, aka Lloyds of London. As
for the world being safe, since WWII the totals days of peace on earth
has only been one week. Perpetual war for perpetual peace. The 'Third
World" also has something that the West lacks, Belief. In Europe it is
the Muslims who are the future. In China Confucius is leading the way.
Never forget that something will always defeat nothing.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year New You

I have heard this many times every year. I stopped making resolutions because I prefer goal setting. The chief desire this coming year, Intimacy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What else can I desire. I want to experience the Divine Romance I hear talked about. I have also choosen to read several books covering this topic. Wayne Jacobsen's book He Loves Me and Jennifer Kennedy Dean's study The Life Changing Power in the Blood of Christ. I think this is a good start to the new year. May the Father touch your life this year in a new and intimate way.