Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Friday, June 24, 2005

I use the word habitually to define gluttony. Going to a buffet occasionally is not gluttony. Gluttony is when I would go almost every day to a Chinese buffet or buy junk food eating it all in one sitting. Example of my gluttony is I would go to the store. I would buy a Cool Whip container and package of sugar wafers. I would eat until everything was gone. That is gluttony.
Why do I put myself through all this aches and pains from being a 150 lbs overweight? There is some part of me that believes I deserve it. Some part of me actually believes this? Why? I have fought false religious beliefs that I have had for many years. This is a false belief. Founded upon the false religion that man developed to replace god. But Christians teach these things. I learned many years ago that there exists three types of religion; escapist, power and Biblical. Legalism is a product of the Power Religion. This is best represented by the Pharisees. What I have suffered with had been Escapist Religion. The false belief that is created when you fall under the control of the Power Religion. Satan uses the Power Religion to control people by false religious beliefs.

The goal should be the Gospel (Biblical Religion). This is based on Jesus Christ and Him crucified. It is based upon what happened on the Cross of Christ. Why St. Paul says we are dead to sin and alive unto God. Romans 5:10 says that through Christ\'s death we are reconcilied to God and we are being saved by the present life of Christ.

The goal should be the Gospel (Biblical Religion). This is based on Jesus Christ and Him crucified. It is based upon what happened on the Cross of Christ. Why St. Paul says we are dead to sin and alive unto God. Romans 5:10 says that through Christ's death we are reconcilied to God and we are being saved by the present life of Christ.