Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Free Speech was, at one time, a basic right within this once great nation. Freedom of Religion was once a basic right within this present fascist state. Our freedoms have been replaced by the tyranny of good intentions. The battle lines have been drawn between the secular and the Christian elements within this nation.

The attack by left/right junta we have in this once great nation has been against the forces of libertarian thought. Those people within the fringes of the left/right junta control the thought within these groups. Within the left it is controlled by nuts like Michael Moore and the George Soros. The right is controlled by the Social Conservatives like James Dobson and Sean Hannity. (A note to the social cons. Always remember you are chump change for the Republican party. They will use you to win reelection and ignore you the rest of the time.) Those who speak some common sense within either group is ignored, aka Pat Buchanan.

The present battle lines are being drawn within the courts. The courts have been given godlike power and should be abolished. The battles should be within the state legislatures and Congress. The problem is that the politicians have withdrawn from the fight. Power is much more important to politicians.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Meaninglessness (aka vanity)

Think about the cycles of living. The cycle of life is you are born, you live your life, you die and are forgotten. The cycle of living is based on those things we do everyday that on the day we die are meaningless. The only thing that matters on the day you die is whether you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Do I ignore the promises of God concerning this life? No. I believe that God's Word is full of promises He has for each of His children. Pray them and speak them. And watch the blessing overflow in your life. Father is waiting to bless each of His children.

I mean by the meaninglessness of living is that no one is superior within the body of Christ. No person is ranked within God's eyes higher because if you wish to be the highest than you must be servant of all. I don't see many pastors holding to this belief and practicing it. At least ministers are not trained this way. I digress from the main theme of this diatribe, the meaninglessness of living.

In the world people have developed many ways to overcome this vanity; Sports, eating, alcohol, drugs, etc. People will go through great links to avoid thinking about their own mortality. We will develop religions and philosophies that side step the question of Final Judgement by the Creator. We develop things like purgatory and reincarnation to avoid Final Judgement. In the past great men practiced Alchemy, which was man's way of attempting to achieve immortality and avoid Final Judgement.

Why this attempt to avoid Final Judgement? Because to acknowledge Final Judgement would require man to submit to the Creator.