Learning to Allow Jesus Christ to Live His Life Through Me so that I can Enjoy, in this life, those things that are meaningless in the next.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

I started this web log with the intent to voice my opinions about politics, economics and war. If you see my first few days it becomes apparent the I dislike G.W. So after thinking about it for several days I have decided to switch gears.
My new goal on this web log is two-fold. First, To show my Bible study. I have over this past year been studying our Right Standing with God. We cannot work our way to anything with God. Second, I enjoy philosophy so I plan to discuss this topic from time to time.
So with that said, I plan to write more carefully then before with a direction in mind and written out.

Monday, March 22, 2004

I was looking over the latest Fortune 500 list of companies. How telling it is the Wal Mart has become the largest company. Consumerism rules inside the USA. As American's have become debt addicts the country crumbles. Who's fault is it the American's consider spending more important then saving. We as individuals have chosen what is important. No one makes us buy what we can't afford. But interest rates are at an all time low. Soon interest will reverse itself. I too am to blame for the present crisis. I am in the process of paying off my credit cards. This short term outlook on life is known as lower class living.

The baby boom generation is fast approaching retirement age. Without much in the way of savings or second incomes. We are a debt based economy that must begin to pay down our debt and begin saving at least 10% of our income. Another 10% should be given to a charity of your choice. This shows that money is not your first love. This approach to life is know as upper class living.
Perception - What is it? How does it develop?

I listen to the what people discuss and how they discuss it and I conclude that perception is based on a persons belief system. Look at the News Media. A conservative will watch a news show and come away saying the show was "Liberal". A liberal will see nothing biased about the show.

Who is correct? The way a person views the program is based upon the preconceived beliefs before watching the show. If a person believes a show is biased toward a particular viewpoint it will be perceived this way. A person who approaches a show or idea open minded will better understand the concept being presented. The perception of the idea will not hinder the experience.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

During the Cold War conservatives fought an enemy who they could see. The evil Communists. But during this whole 50 year conflict a far more evil force was at work destroying the USA. This evil was like the serpent sneeking between the rocks and crevices. This evil's goal was to capture the mind of our children.

The evil used the Media and Education to teach the message. It was successful. Look at our world. Evil is now called good. How can this evil be turned? I think it will be interesting to see.